img The Son of Tarzan  /  Chapter 2 2 | 7.41%
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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 3370    |    Released on: 28/11/2017

k, which latter was the tutoring of the young son of a British nobleman. He felt that his charge was not making the pr

is the fact that he evidently takes no interest whatever in the subjects we are studying. He merely accomplishes each lesson as a task to be rid of as quickly as possible and I am sure that no lesson ever again enters his mind until the hours of study and recitation once more arrive. His sole interests seem to be feats of physical prowess and the reading of

ed her foot nervously

this, of cours

huffled emb

ied, a slight flush mounting his sallow cheek; "b

you take it?" a

ped upon me with the most savage growls I ever heard, lifted me completely above his head, hurled me upon his bed, and after going through a pantomime indicative of choking me to death he stood upon my

ke again. It was the boy's moth

feet. The room was upon the second floor of the house, and opposite the window to which their attention had been attracted was a large tree, a branch of which spread to within a few feet of the sill. Upon this branch now they

before they had crossed half the room the boy had leape

of war dance about his terrified mother and scandalized tutor, and ending up

saw it last night. He says it can do everything but talk. It rides a bicycle, eats with knife and fork, counts up

r shook her head negatively. "No, Jack," she said

, too, and you'll never let me do even that. Anybody'd think I was a girl-or a mollycoddle. Oh,

son?" asked

see a trained ape," said the mother

?" questio

oy no

is unusually large. Let's all go, Jane-what do you say?" And he turned toward his wife, but that lady only shook her head in a most positive manner, and turnin

strong is the call of the wild at times. You know that often it has necessitated a stern struggle on your part to resist the almost insane desire which occasionally overwhelms you to plunge once again into the jun

is no indication that he would wish to marry an ape, and even should he, far be it from you Jane to have the right to cry 'shame!'" and John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, put an arm about his wife, laughing good-naturedly down into her upturned face before he bent his head and kissed her. Then, more seriously, he continued: "You have never told Jack anything concerning my early life, nor have you permitted me to, and in this I think that you have made a mi

she had a hundred other times when the sub

to the implanting in Jack's mind of any suggestion of t

was raised by Jack himself. He had been sitting, curled in a large

directly to the point, "

not approve," re


aded Lord Greystoke. "It is en

lie Grimsby, or any other of the fellows who have been to see him. It did not harm them and it will not harm me. I

rely a dispassionate statement of facts. His father could scarce repress either a

jax without permission, I shall punish you. I have never inflicted corporal punishment upon

d then: "I shall tell you, sir,

duty, for he had just come from a conference with the boy's father and mother in which it had been impressed upon him that he must exercise the greatest care to prevent Jack visiting the music hall where Ajax was being shown.

unnecessary, for when the boy heard him within the chamber and realized that he

oing?" panted the

e Ajax," replied

or the boy, approaching close to him, suddenly seized him about the waist, lifted him from

shed the victor, "

he himself had possessed at the same age. The tutor was as putty in the boy's hands. Kneeling upon him, Jack tore strips from a sheet and bound the man's hands behind his back. Then he rolle

rously trussed Mr. Moore's hobbled ankles up behind to meet his hobbled wrists. "Ah-ha! Villain! I have you in me power at last. I go; but I shall ret

ft them was directly beneath that in which he lay upon the floor. He knew that some time had elapsed since he had come up stairs and that they might be gone by this time, for it seemed to him that he had struggled about the bed, in his efforts to free himself, for an eternity. But the best that he could do was to attempt to attract attention from below, and so, after many failures, he managed to work himself into a position in which he could tap the toe of his boot against the floor. This he proceeded to do at short intervals, until, after

the stifling gag. After a moment the man knocked again, quite loudly and again called the boy's name. Receiving no reply he turned the knob, and at th

or several times and then depar

ching every move of the great ape, his eyes wide in wonder. The trainer was not slow to note the boy's handsome, eager face, and as one of Ajax's biggest hits consisted in an entry to one or more boxes during his performance, ostensib

ith a spring the huge anthropoid leaped from the stage to the boy's side; but if the trainer had looked for a laughable scene of fright he was mistaken. A broad smile lighted the boy's features as he l

n being before. Presently he clambered over into the box with him and snuggled down close to the boy's side. The audience was delighted; but they were still more delighted when the trainer, the period of his act having elapsed, attempted to pers

y, and they hooted and jeered at the trainer and the manager, which luckless i

essing room and procured a heavy whip. With this he now returned to the box; but when he had threatened Ajax with it but once he found himself facing two infuriated enemies instead of one, for the boy had leaped to his feet, and seizing a chair w

ised; but that the trainer would have received a severe mauling, if nothi

's door locked and had been able to obtain no response to his repeated knocking and calling othe

e called his son's name in a loud voice; but receiving no reply he launched his great weight, backed by all the undiminished powe

ell with a resounding thud. Through the opening leaped Tarzan, and a mo

door covered him; but finally he was dragged forth, his gag and bonds cut away

n, and then; "Who did this?" as the memory of Rok

out the room. Gradually he collected his scattered wits. The

e," were his first words. "You do not need a tutor f

he?" cried L

gone to

himself that the tutor was more scared than injured, he ordered his closed

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