unto you by men, let it be likewise that y
disciples and the whole Church concerning the covenant1 of charity; that men should do of good and of charity to their neighbour as much as they would do unto themselves. To that end saith Jesus, Omnia quaecumque uultis. N
67] Finis enim precepti caritas est, quia caritas propria et specialis uirtus est Christianorum. Nam caeterae uirtutes bonis et malis possunt esse communes; caritatem autem habere nisi perfecti non possunt. Vnde Iesus ait, "In hoc cognoscent omnes quod discipuli Mei estis, si dilexeritis inuicem." "For the roof and summit of divine doctrine is charity, because charity is the especial virtue of the Christians. For the other
ble glorious apostle, the father confessor, the spark-flashing, the man through whom the west of the world shone with signs and wonders, with virtues and with good deeds, Sanctus Ciaranus sacerdos et apostolus Dei, the archpresbyter and apostle Saint Ciaran
oble one is the fifth of the ides of September according to the day of
nd of his mode of life,4 and of the perfection which he gave to his victorious course in the earth. A man held greatly in honour of the Lord was this man. A m
apostolum mundo
the light of wisdom and do
insulae lucens
effectiveness of rule, and wisdom, and doctrine, for all
regmina adc
omnia sanctoru
elders of these monasteries; thus, these are the rules and customs that have been distributed and received of all the mo
the order of[page 69] chief prophets i
uissimus fuerit
which is something yet nobler.7 First Patrick son of Calpurn prophesied of him in Cruachan Aigli, after the tree had closed around his relics in the place where that settlement is n
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