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Reading History

Chapter 5 INEZ

Word Count: 1625    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

down the grips of the boys, and had departed with that touching of the cap, and the expansi

d Jack, and his tone was li

Yes, her brother was certainly ill, though outwardly it showed only in a thinness of the bronzed cheeks

e, Jack," his sister said

ack. "I've been sort of leaning on him

his name spoken, came hurrying up, from where he had stoo

" he exclaimed. "Want me to

. "It sort of eases it to lean against some one. The porter wanted to

th two of them?" asked Walter,

ith a laugh. "If they pro

can't drive?" sugges

on his right side, and then quickly transferring it, after the mann

Come on, Walter. Leave him to his own destruction. But, I say, Cora, what's this abou

, who fainted from lack of food as she

, I'm sure of it," declared Belle

sh then," ad

so pretty!"

ning, Jack, old chap?" asked Walter, pretendi

rmencita or Mar

ed him. "The poor child wasn't ab

she's a little girl! The Mater al

see," advised

invalided young man. "Drive on, Cora,

given Jack's side in a football scrimmage was far from healed, and often pained him

weakness, the sufferer told how he had "keeled over" in a faint, while playing the la

ndly offered to come

the time," said Cora, with a de

n't!" he said,

on until they turned


Jack's mother had kissed him, and held him o

es, she is much better. A good m

ack. "Charming nam

Cora, in sho

ck of old, and she was hopefully feeling that

about herself?" asked

ad now

is anxious to repeat it to you girls," said

elle. "Why us

e of you had mentioned somethi

xplained Bess,

ious to know more about your plan of going there. I could not tell

et some orchids there when we are in the West Indies," exp

in Belle. "Just before she fainted, she spoke

had rather let her tell you herself, as she

nterrupted Walter. "That

valided hero. "Still, perhaps Sis and the twins had better have a first whack at her. I fancy we fel

ad better go to your room, and lie down. We'll have a light dinner served soon. You'll stay,

not known the "Cheerful Chelton Crowd" as long as h

will bunk in here. You forget Inez is due to give a rehearsal o

s may be serious," sai

from joking," and Jack put his ha

is coming, and wants to see you. I am also going to have

l me Harry!

rooms-you know, the ones next to Jack's room. Then

guests, went up stairs, but s

matter?" a

ill at all!" she stormed. "It's

do?" asked

y might-kiss me!" and

d they?" a

-well!" and Cora closed

ther s

go up and see Inez,"

Cora, eager to ch

en put on her, in exchange for her simple black dress, made her seem the real

ntered the room. "I am so sorry that I give you ze trouble

!" burst out Cora, generously.

weary-so very weary.

Then Dr. Blake will be here, and can say whether it would be wise to give yo

e hand of Mrs. Kimball in her own thin, brow

are my friends. They expect to go to Sea Horse Island

ke me zere-I would do anyzing! I would serve zem all, my

ion seemed to c

interrupted Cora. "Why are

zere, and if I go zere, I can free him!" and th

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