ver the pastures. Robin lifted his eye
ucepan she was cleaning; her lips
t ended in a clattering walk on the stones of the yard. Through the open
reeting. "Hallo, Fletcher! Come in,
ipped. Somehow it had an official sound. "Hallo
the kitchen. Hi! little
wash her hands. She did not hasten to obey Jack's call, but when she turned to collect gla
traight through to the little parlour, carryi
a sardonic twist that imparted a faintly supercilious expression. His eyes were dark, deep-set, and shrewd. He was a magistrate of some repute in the district, a position which he had attained by sheer unswerving hard
t claim a very close intimacy with him. He merely understood the man's sil
now whether she really liked him or not. Yet had he set his heart upon seeing her safely married to him. There was no other man of his acquaintance to whom he would willingly
on the subject, and then the words had been few and briefly uttered. But to Jack, who had taken the initiative in the matter, they had
ding in the doorway; for Dot was so cold, so aloof in her welcome. He did not see what Hil
er hand to the visitor. "Doesn't
rly prized possession. Hill's rare smi
st," he said. "I am afraid I
ing glance. "You hav
fternoon. We left Wallac
e way?" ques
wanted to see the
ck. "They say all the uncaught criminals f
" sai
" asked Adel
to say, madam." Hill's
ve ridden all the way from Wallacetown to-day you can't go back to Tre
ill turned towards him. "Don't mix it too strong, J
e going to spend the night you'll be able to sleep
ollow up her husband's suggestion. "W
"You are very kind, madam. But I don't lik
imself. And no one else will know. We'll let you leave as early as you like in the morning, but not before. Come, that's settled, isn't it? Go and ge
and hurriedly disappeared
s only a little room, Fletcher, but it's snug. That's the way," as his
"You needn't say it, thanks all the sam
ith an instinctive bracing of the
t was not untinged with anxiety, and
old feller," he said. "
might have disconcerted a younger man and driven him into ill-considered action. But it was not this man's nature to act
ce oddly softened and made human. He was no longer an official, but a man, with fee
the sound of trampling hoofs in the building where Jack's horse wa
. The animal was nibbling carelessly at her arm while she filled the manger with hay. She was talking to him softly, a
The girl within continued to talk to the horse while she provided for his comfort, low words unintelligible to the silent
in her words, "I wish-I wish you and I could go right awa
ctually licked her hair. He
ou're a dear, sympathetic boy! Who taught you to be, I wonder? Not
the stable and came upon Flet