It had two occupants this bright January morning, and they were sufficiently diverse in appearance to attract the attention of the local
f a weather-beaten f
and strong; antiquated, perhaps, and greatly in want of a new coat; but shaped on lines to resist the elements together for years to come. Ben Pollard and his pilchard-dri
n his patched garments and old Daisy in her unkempt solidity supplied a fitti
derivable from the daringly trustful little plant which gave the boat its name. She wore a coat and skirt of green cloth, lightly hemmed and cuffed with dark red braid. Her large white hat was trimmed with velvet of a tone to match the braid, and her neatly fitting bro
s of the Daisy with certain stores of apples, oranges and vegetables-ranging from the lordly new potato (an aristocrat at that time of the year) to the plebeian
st was securely stepped and the tackle ran free. Whilst th
stooping to arrange some clusters of daffodils and narcissus so that they s
old fellow cheerily, "but wi' the wind backin' r
ill make the ro
ur best, M
t up s
er all our preparations we may have to turn ba
mahogany table breaking into mirth," was Enid's
as most," he said. "Further
lly, you and the Daisy look mo
ollard defended hi
er be a long run at this time o' year, but you'm get there all right, I 'xpect. Wi' a
on the spanking powers of his pilcha
ch me," she cried, "and as if anyone i
as mollified. He lo
"Miss Constance be a plaguey
? She had to go all the way to
n' she b'ain't runnin' neither
ck of any girl of nineteen like unto that
she cried, wavin
surprised stare. "When I look landward
when he gazes at the level horizon he knows so well. This is no pretence of unwilling age:
d's signals with their eyes, devoted themselves to a co
. To him, too, she owed the frank, self-reliant pose of head and clearly cut, refined features which conveyed to others that all-important first good impression. Blended with Stephen Brand's firm incisiveness, and softening the
een in America than in England. Her lively face, flushed with exercise, and, it may be, with some little excitement, conveyed the same Transatlantic ch
hope, R. N., was too familiar a figure in Penza
in the world, whether in love or war. True type of the British sailor, he had
the artistic proclivities suggested by his well-chiseled features and long, tapering fingers, proclaimed that Stanhope, notwithstanding his Saxon s
on such terms of easy familiarity with two girls, one of whom was the
among others, Lady Margaret Stanhope put it often and point
ety was justifiable, the smokers on the pier, as representin
at. "I manage to bamboozle the admiral out of three days' leave and I rush to Penzance to be
t winks exchanged among the hu
Trevillion, eh? What would her
with us?" The
jolly. Look here. Wait two minutes
arm the water-proof cloaks he was carrying for her. "You know Lady Margaret woul
ing out this aftern
ck, don't let us quarrel before we have met
er down the
romise to drive with me to Morvah in the mo
out to the rock with us to
in them that Stanhope laughed, and pipes were shifted to permit
id the other girl. "We are bringing him a p
be able
of the sea near the rock. Anyhow, we can have a
y tide if we'm stop here mu
e you? Mind you keep these
ones," growled Pollard. "They was a-sayin'
Father Ben. That
y anxiety. There was nothing
y echoed the inquiry. Both girls knew well what a serious
Got a bit of kudos out of it really. We fouled the V
tenciled his initials within a white square on five different parts of their sleek hulls, thus signifying to an indignant admiral and thre
"You must supply details tomorrow. Enid,
supply luncheon?
d on sandwiches and bottled beer
tensibly to light a cigar. He watched Constance shipping the rudder whilst Enid hoisted th
the end of the solid pier and vanished, whereupon Lieutenant Stanhope walked slowly to the Promenade, whe
ag, resting their tired arms on the r
acknowledged leader, a broken-down "captai
catching the gloom of the captain's gaze af
want, turning their pretty heads
rtic'lar stuck on 'i
ious," pronounced the ora
but, in the main, accurate account he gave of the rescue of an unknown child by one
ned a matter of £70 to £80 a year-not enough to maintain a daughter and an adopted child in slap-up style, was it? A small vi
agreed t
gh Jones, a Trinity pensioner, who kept the "Pilchard and Seine" now, wouldn't hear a wrong word about him, and always called him "cap'n." A prett
essed baby-that very girl, Enid, they had just seen. Was it true? How could he say? There was a lot about it at the time in the local papers, but just t
og-signal fad-Brand was always a man of fads: he once told the speaker that all the Polwena Mine wanted was work-and the Gulf Rock was the best place for try
as the only obvious remark of an
she was broad in beam and staunch from thwart to keel it was no li
ary to turn the boat's head seawards. Even then, by steering close to the Runnelstone, they need not, during two-thirds of the time, be
of six miles to the rock, behind which lay the Scilly Is
n to be made, Pollard cast an anxious eye at a
cipated might turn to snow, and snow is own brother to fog at sea,
description of a new disciple who had joined the ar
edly at the white battalions sweepi
like snaw,"
t does tha
a trifle. The Daisy was now fairly headed for the rock.
t risky," g
e before there can be any serious d
and again no matter how t
n after life he would never admit that
just couldn't. An' how often do us zee snaw in Carnwall? Not once in a
ke another as two Liliputians to the eye of Gulliver. In a w
her occupants, he was suddenly called by telephone from the oil-room to the kitchen. When next he ran aloft in a wild hurry to signal for assistance, he found, to his despair, that t
tfully through the pelting snow-flakes to the ears of the two girls and old Ben. The latter,
, emphatically. "I be sorry, ladies both, but 'ee knaw how the tide runs over the reef, an' 'tes easy to
din. Pollard had his hand on the sail to swing it to starboard when Constance put the tiller over to bring the boat's head up against the wind. For an i
us," pronounced Ben. "That's
reat silence, otherwise unbroken save by the quiet plash of the se
or us," said Constance. "We were jus
near the rock," cried Enid,
nough. Before he could answer, a third r
question now of going back. We must keep our present course for twent
wrong on the rock itself. I am quite sure there w
eady it is, Miss Brand. Ef we'm in trouble I'd as soon
ed unheeded. The situation was bewildering, alarming. There were three keepers in the
face and shining eyes, Enid, flushed and on the verge of te
she was dependent on his bounty. Only the other day, when she hinted at the adoption of an art career
nest without worrying as to the manner of your leaving it. Work at your drawing, by all means. Avoid co
home was idyllic in its happiness: their only sorrow that Brand should be away two months out
d not trust themselves even to speak. There w
rd, kneeling in the bows, peered into the gloom of the swirling snow. He listened eagerly to the bell. With right hand o
t the first hint of danger, consulted
ar her own voice. The tens
ff yet. 'Tes clearin' a bit. We'm heave
Soon they could see fifty, a hundred, two hundred yards ahead. On the starboard quarter they caug
ared Ben, sudden
ranite walls, with dark little casements showing black in the weird light. The boat
with a sharp rattle that showed how thoroug
de curve, and Ben got out the oars to kee
ed towards the galler
screamed in a voice hig
Not often had the girls visited the rock, but they knew that this was the first sign they
e heard a mile away in the prevailing stillness. A window half w
!" murmure
issing rush of the boat through the waves, had cast a spel
the three uplifted faces. But this w
uted. "Providence must hav
e, outwardly calm now in the as
means 'Bring a doctor.' An' there ain't a blesse
mean delay,
hours at le
to the stones swung back, and Brand leaned out. He
tug reach here,
ld him the opini
hen, and Bates was hurrying to the store-room for oil and whitening when he slipped o
tight and stand in the skip. Your
to work the windlass. Constance, cool as
the parcels and
all about them," said Enid, s
basket with its iron hoops, and, having arranged some of the pl
id, though a lift of forty odd feet whilst standing in a s
o, was swung into the lighthouse
o longer needed. The sky above was clearing. A luminous haze spreading over the waters heralded the return of the sun. But the wind was bitterly cold
rrard. This sort o' thing's a weather-
to the Gulf Rock to enter upon t
l. Would it shield her again-rescue her from the graver danger whose shadow ev
ed. Just then she had oth