img The Poem-Book of the Gael  /  Chapter 5 THE PENANCE OF ADAM AND EVE. (xi.) | 20.83%
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Word Count: 1865    |    Released on: 06/12/2017


owed the plea

m after

on for) displea

hould perish a

as a w

pulsion out

ut fire, wit

nk or food

ey were im

to the midst

mutual repro

Eve an

the just

e through thy i

eeds, through th

been cast ou

we relinqu

xed our Hi

urs under perf

ery rev

joy, by us it


lands, most p

plants, h

tion, singular

of holiness

any the h

tercourse w

continually at

the brughs

under fa

es were doing

ving things

ithful dear

ntrol over eve

ho used to

uld not

uld not

rp edge

pestilence nor c

among the eleme

d come, in he

r will, to

the wick

n Lu

not ha

nder law (in a)

andate, accord

we wronge

e us ev

ht, all creat

in opposit

who has been

dy, gentle

have wronge

vided us with

r she was in

w, after

vellous over

not kill me

o transgres

ommitted the

right that thou s

ord, O

t I fall (jus

, for my tr

the grea

od shew to

e we offende

d Adam, with

l not commit m

amished, thou

not lift

n blood, m

soever t

m my body

itting for u

age Him

e true Pri

off and utter

t from Him a d

into the aby

God giv

power of

ood in our lif

he, sa

hing, without

we shall per

od, we had

we were w

ll and our g

er clothing n

ake a circuit

nt path on

hou canst get

something tha

n a well-ma

, and f

t find, a

food but herbs

soil, green

e senseles

tender for

easant food

m sp

et us wit

penance and

anse away before

r sins, of our



ord, O

not before the

should d

ct me c

erstanding, accordin

do not

I fall shor

m sp

ore the Lo

, without

he strong r

o into the R


st be in the

ordan under

even cl

hee a firm f

thy sitting, unde

take with me

, resemblin

he stone i


en as thou hast s

ter rises to

ead luxuriantl

tream on e

with grief and

towards the

hands every ca

venly Lord of t

even at th

for thy tr

pure to conv

sgression, since

lse, pollu

an, stainle

h the whole of

through His

e with us to the


this manner

ch the tr


thyself, d

seven days

in the Ri

hree days wa

am of the R

od each day

to succ

him, as wa

d of nine

sought a m

e River

"fast" with hi

ultitude o

eam sto

e, in its on

tream paused

give forgive

ream gather

reature that w

number of the



m, and the mult

oured forth their

host of the n

the grade

their Lord o

uld give ful

not destr

rades with

God who co

veness no

eril, for

e to Hi

n for the

tion of the ea

holily nobl


dants and th

ne who acts

es the will of

black D

ss had been be

go in a distinguis

ve a

er out of the strea

t her on a co

n (i.e. destroy) s

urb her

nt with jo

ce, astu

n the shape of

the Rive

destroyed them

her, as it s

ve of the b

tarried in th

ough bright w

pale[67] in th

our ..., it

hyself, thou hast

out for the s

nger in the

King sent me

I come to show

Eve out o

he shore, dr

a faintness) f

as almost dea

e did not

h his manif

s woman was

d was i

fer s

at has com

rt thou c

ame to thee

nd of the st

go hence

do not be

l prayed t

you for

y went v

the Rive

chief o

ve and

erceived fr

nd Lu

upon him, (though)

! O wande

is betra

mes journeying

deceived thee

, without de

thee from the

rrant of the K

ure accompa

ve hea


l to th

ear to spe

his refusal to obey the command of God that he should worship Adam. This command he refused, because he, as the first-created, felt it unworthy of him to adore Adam, the youngest-born of created things. He

in his body direct to heaven, without

it. "s

; L. B. has áitte aille ocus slanti cen galar,

altadh, "a border" (O'R); L. B. has


] F

ossibly "

therings" or

every quarter" (

on, the mention of canonical hours is a quain

o Adam"; but the reading above se

changed thy complexio

difficult to the

has been changed by he

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