you going
you. Where is 'Ze
at work on
l both be farmers
ly. "I don't think I shall like it, but the
ore, and teach schoo
ould like it bett
eight years old
f slender frame, and his large dark eyes, deep set beneath an overhanging br
of the Merrimac, on both sides of which rose high hills, which the boy climbed many a time for the more extended view they commanded. From a high sheep-pasture on his father's farm, t
humble store wi
t, which could strike terror into the hearts of delinquent schol
said Master Hoyt, who wa
r," answered Dani
get what you learned
I will t
rget your readi
er I can find, but I do
. Ezekiel writes far better than you. But you won't
t have to do th
You may keep school like me-who knows?-but you'll have to get some one else
er, though he was a good reader, wrote an excellent hand, and had a slight knowledge of grammar, could carry his pupils no further. No pup
ttention to his two young callers. He regarded them rather as pupils than as customers, for
acted by a cotton pocket-handkerchief, which
ed the direction
dkerchief," he said. "Would you l
tively rare and difficult to obtain, to combine literature with plain homely utility, by printing reading matter of some kind on cheap
tution of the United States-t
, and up to that moment he had not known that there was a constitution, and inde
he price?"
once, but was the accumulation of pennies saved. He may have had other plans for spending it, but now when there was a chance of s
it, and you'll know something of the government we're living under. I suppose you've he
was one of the first to answer the call. But of
have heard fath
General Washington's headquarters on the night after Arn
r his soldier father, who on his side was devoted to the best interests of his sons, and was re
ust never forget how your father and other brave men fought to secure the blessings we now enjoy. Now General
when the words recurred to him, and in the light of his father's conversations, which from time to time he held with his neighbo
William Hoyt, as the boys tur
ther may want
ust be ready to take up your studies next
not one to dazzle the imagination even of a boy of eight, for as I have a
stowed away in his pocket. He was saving it till even
f the open log fire he brou
here, my son?" a
, with the Constitution of th
did you
er Hoyt'
his money for i
ill do him no harm to read the Constitution
rs he was to become the staunch supporter and defender. For this boy was in his manhood to rank among the great men of the e
arthy face, and dark eyes, was