img The Rise of Iskander  /  Chapter 4 No.4 | 18.18%
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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1743    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

f up in his pelisse of sables, he mounted his horse, and declining any attendance, rode for some little distance, until he had escaped from the precincts of the camp. Then he turned

in three hours' time he had gained the summit of Mount H?|mus. A brilliant moon flooded the broad plains of Bulgaria wi

charger was thorough-bred, and his moments were golden. Ere midnight, he


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do not know the word. I come from a far country, and bear impor

Come, keep off, unless you wish to try the effect of a Polish lance," continued the sentinel;

nder dismounted, and taking up the brawny sentinel in his arms with the greatest ease, threw him over his shoulder, and

, around which several soldi

?" inquired a s

ristendom," ans

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ly," said the sentinel,

replied the terrified prisoner

wer before, then?" s

your voice?" said another. "Come,

hts, but all of which were silent. At length, he met the esquire of a P

u?" inquire

ire," replied

ken a prisoner, who has deep secrets to divulge to the Lord Hunniades. Thither, to his pavilion, I am now bearing him. But he is a stout barba

" said the Esquire. "I think I know your voic

We had a comm

the reward and half the fame. 'Tis a strong barbarian, is it? We cannot cut his throat, or it will not divul

he legs of the sentinel, allowed the Polish gentleman to lead the way to the pavilion of Hunniades. Thither they soon arrived; and Iskander,

no words. Soon the officer returned, and, ordering the guards to disarm and search Iskander, directed the Grecian Prince to follow him. Drawing aside the curtain, Iskander and his attendant entered a low apartment of considerable size. It was hung with skins. A variety of armour and dresses were piled on couches. A middle-aged man, of majestic appearance, muffled in

r face, and was braided with strings of immense pearls. A broad cap of white fox-skin crowned her whiter forehead. Her features were very small, but sharpl

r with a searching inquisition. "Whence co

kish camp," w

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night of Christendom can scarcely fear. I am one in birth and rank your equal; if not in fame, at least, I trus

stood the scrutiny calm and undisturbed. "Go, Stanislaus," said the Vaivode to the officer. "

owly as the offi

nniades, "to busin

. In a word, my purpose here is to arrange a plan by which we

the honour of speakin

perhaps not altogether unknown

d that matchless warrior?" exclaimed Hunniades, and he held forth his hand to his guest, and ungirding his own

indeed rightly understand that we may count

necessities, the moment you commence your retreat, will attack you. I shall command his left wing. In spite of his superior power and position, draw up in array, and meet him with confidence. I propose, at a convenient moment in the day, to withdraw my troops, and with the Epirots hasten to my native country, and at once raise the standard of independence. It is a bold measure, but Success is the child of Audacity. We must assist each other with mu

d and seizing his hand; "and while Iskander and Hunniades live, they

re sacred than if registered by all the scri

ak in which she was enveloped fell from her exquisite form. "Noble Iskander, this rosary is from the Holy S

licate hand as he received the rosary, which,

e mountains before dawn. Let me venture to entreat that we s

rrow's sun bring brighter days to Christendom." And with these words termin

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