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Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1157    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ged his senses? Had a strange mystic power spread over him? H

y. The gong-strokes rolled through the temple and far away into the starry night. Ha

e dreamers arose, drunk with sleep and dreaming. In the reflections of the lamps and torches their faces were ghostly, spiritual

Nile's mouths through the Delta-the learned hierogrammats, the keepers of the sacred writings, sat each on his throne. In their hands they held unrolled the sacred scr

tion of their dreams. But those who had dreamed were so many that t

rraces. Orgy awaited them in the tav

followers. He stood stiff, motionless, vei

"my dear child and master,

ied Lucius,

too heavily. My stomach was overloaded. And I am now shivering with this chill

ad appr

aching them. You must have your dream expounded by a most holy prophet, by Amphris, the centenarian.... Come with me, let me lead you to him...." He took Lucius by the hand. "It costs half a talent, no less," said Caleb. "Thirty min?, my

upper terraces. Two sphinxes beside the narrow door lay like

ly Amphris?"

" said one o

nt right away?"

," repeated

e long purse at his girdle and sl

he said, pointin

imself was as beautiful as a young god. A strange light, as of soft moons, shone from blue globes.

pass over y

holy f

ake you see, i

n whom I

long, thin, transparent h

ove you," he said,

ather?... I saw the pira

she was not k

u know, ho

he was not sol

she then,

is make you see

us s

... I saw her and ... t

ny were


and y

one another like bro

they were

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were the

were .

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ith sorrow and love. Love is strong, but wisdom is stronger. Gather wisdom, my

omfort if I do

all the pieces of his body except that piece which fr

omfort, ho

d you are young. Serve

the pirates resem

they we



s Ilia,

ave not dreamed. You dreamed of many pirates, who resembled


njure up his im

onger s

And let love and

etaira. She glittered like an idol in her ceremonial gar

e has paid a talent! Has Amphris interpreted your dream? The door-keeper,

ne pirate!" mu

ed his fists,

g the terraces. The barges glide

-houses and taverns, the vessels

wines and the intoxicating liqueurs of Napata. Here the nake

Lucius. "Back

bbed, his head wrapped in his golden dreaming-veil. There was no musi

long, rosy line, above the sea ... while

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