so nearly of the same altitude that the central dome seems the lowest of them all, though it is actually fourteen thousand four hundred and eighty feet above the sea. On the wes
ls began to break into savage walls, that Bidwell made his camp beside a small stream which fell away into Bear Creek to the south. From this camp he could look far out on the violet a
htest mineral stain. Scarcely a moment of the daylight was wasted in this search. His mysterio
s climbing to the summit when a stone, dislodged by his feet, fell, bounced, thumped
ed down and began to trail the mule toward camp. The tree soon clo
hurried back to the spot whence the tree had been rived. It was dusk by the time he reached the spot, but he could detect gold in the friable rock which lined the cavity left by the uprooted sapling. With a mind too excited to sleep
waves of the night the man's brain was numb with speculation and suspense. Hovering over the little heap o
n enormous richness. It was so friable he could crumble it in his hands, and so yellow with iron-stains that it looked like lumps of cl
was literally meshed with rusty free gold. The whole mound was made up of a disintegrated ledge of porphyry and
n, and then only because he was staggering with weakness and his hands were growing ineffective. After eating he fell asleep and did not wake till deep in the night. For some minutes he could not remember what had happened to him.
ou, Sherm?
p quick; I
she started back. "For love of God, man
ering under the weight of a blanket full of ore. "You
! What have you t
?" His manner would not have been wilder had his bag of ore been
ut. I do not
he red-brown mass, even her unskilled eyes could see the gleaminry! Where did ye
housands of dollars. Why, it's like a pocket in a placer! Get me every sack you can. Give me gru
and then tumbled the crackers in on top of the ore. She set out some cold meat and brea
sh I c'u'd go wid ye, Sherm. I'd like
st be off. Good-by. I'll be back to-night with another
min'?" A moment later she ran up to him and
ned to brush up the cracker-crumbs. "That C