historical and poetical. In the center is the shaft erected by the Washington Light Infantry to their dead in '61-'65. The obelisk is in t
we fell down most woefully, except
ound the shaft and shouting with glee as they bumped
"If it had not been for you, that mo
ad settled ourselves on some benches facing the monument and began in their peculiar South Carolina lingo to demand something of us-what it was it took some penetration to discover. There were five of them, about the raggedest little monkeys I
s wan' we-all s
from a
st and sassiest and most dilapidated of them all opened his b
ittle song?" and
"but don't get too close. The acoustics would
tical. When it comes right down to it, we Southerners are the only ones who really understand them. I remember what one of the leaders of the negroes
y I agree with Doctor Green, and think under the circum
leader seemed to be leader because he was the only one with shoes on. His shoes were ladies' buttoned shoes, much too long and on the
"You can go bare-legged when you've a mind to, and if you should be so pr
boys sang, choosing it evidently from a ke
it on wid
ge dem Yank
y gits
e hyar fer
full o
ot ter do
's me,
'y in de
ee dem pl
an' a
t cha'ge hom
ff an'
id dey ud
h fer a
ankees wi
de po' f
, honey, a
yer trou'
pigeon wing as well as it had ever been done on a vaudeville stage, I am sure, while the other four patted with such spirit and in such
ltz," she said, "and I find myself return
pat as well as a darky. We will ha
to buy groun'-nut cakes from the old mauma on the corner, where she sat with her basket
ffect of arms?" asked Zebedee, pointing to a much-mutil
it was erected in seventeen-sixty-nine by the citizens of Charleston in honor of his promoting t
m from a very interesting-looking bronze statue that had attrac
in all South Carolina," and Mrs. Green joined Dum to vie
soul never faltered,'" read Mrs. Green from the inscription on the monument of one of the truest poets of the South. "'T
erishly to copy the tribute. I found Mrs. Gree
I used to think that just so I could make a lot of money I wouldn't mind what kind of stuff I
after time and the storm of returning it again and again. I am afraid I'd be willing to have written the Elsie b
e the making of money is not of as much importance to me as it used to be. There was a time in
pirituelle, and I believe you have alway
such a girlish way that it seemed ridiculous to talk of her girlho
recent sale of a very large edition of the author's poem
d t
Egypt's Monar
wn memorial
re on the back of the monument. Mildred is my baby, you know," she said,
us, Molly; I didn't
scription carved in one-inch letters, but that he always made his wife read aloud when he could. When she read poetry, it was music, indeed. It seems
ion of decorating the graves of the Confederate dead at Magnol
gularly fitted to the reading of poetry that I have ever heard. I longed for my father to hear her read. He could m
tly in your
yrs of a fa
no marble c
rim here
of laurel i
of your fa
e, waiting f
t is in
, behalf th
trust your s
sisters bring
e memori
es! but your s
on these wr
ome cannon-
erlook t
ls, hither fr
holier spo
ng beauty
rang out six-thirty o'clock, and in spite of poetical emotions
er table that evening at dinner,
our room to don dinner clothes. "The Greens seem to
r or a painter. I have been thinking how she would look in marble, and while she has good bones, all right, and would show up fine in marble, s
es!" exclaimed Dee, rather indignantly. "I can't
ind, does not amount to a row of pins if it is only s
een's skeleton would look just like yours or
atter y
isprove except by X-ray photography so long as we have Mrs. Green on this mundane sphere. I certainly
g a skull and then piling up hair on it and putting in a nose and lips, etc.-"can't you see if the skull is out of proportion with
g it, and patting it, and moulding it until you had turned it into a cat. If you can do that much, I should like to know why the Almighty couldn't do the same thing.
changing His mind to start out with! Don't you know that from the very beginning of everything the Almighty has planned our proportions, such
can do more than the Almighty, then I t
her waiting for his dinner when we already kept him waiting for his luncheon. Th
eir dinner dresses and were on
ted around the table, encouraging our appetites with soup, which
m and I. Page was the Dove of Pe
was about and we will forgi
. Green's bones,"
hem," laughed the beautiful skeleton, who was radiant in a gray-blue crêpe de chine dress that ei
e trend of the argument had been, much to the amusement of the o
ok, 'Trilby,'" said Professor Green. "He says that Trilby's bones were beautiful, and even when she w
en!" and Dee acknowledged her defeat by
ies. Professor Green was not a bit pedagogic, which was a great comfort. Persons who teach so often work out of hours-teach all the time. If
Miss A
call m
ppingly on my tongue-Page is meaning to write, an
the beginning I had only started a notebook, I would have a valu
what they are going to do when they put on long pants. I fancy he and Professor Green were about the same age, but he ce
ite an old man he actually gets his living-and a very good living at that-out of that scrap-book," declared Zebedee. "He has information at hand for almost any subject, and the
hings just to lead up to some anecdote that the author happens to have heard and jotted down in his notebook. Anecdotes in books should happen just as naturally as they do in life: come in because there is some reason for them. The author who deliberately makes a sett
our pencil, Zebed
ou going to
as just said in my notebook. I thi
to all young authors?"
around a table at a hotel in Charleston and graduall
tebook system as a memory jogger, applaude