at magician,
agic, under c
ge his heart, or
untries with th
any a month
ue; and, though
ved him, like
s, exiled f
ed him), none cou
in, or lull hi
iliar whisper
lowing aroun
he laboured;
aching heart an
le of the sta
at he hoped, to
eard him murmur
work! Not to ha
ands can I e
ind him standi
ze the splendo
ng-eyed runner
ve in vain, l
d it to the a
r that made and
rtain day, t
e, guided th
the starlight
le hand which g
as the runner
sk, asked as
d-won life-work
the stars. H
e who told h
scious that h
though truth h
his exile,
of Joha
as st
not long after
gs, and yet he
is son. When f
ave known each
ten world. I c
ahe was dying
we quarrelled
ourselves mor
believe tha
rtache for hi
always met m
his lips, he
often unawa
ispered phras
to himself, in
the clouds dis
h-bed, and with
eath, he saw the
here. She held
hat he knew his
e he died, he
-what he meant
oken echo fr
some old fam
d to know. It h
ft-footed, let
me, crowned wit
rning. Take it
dy, ready no