img Living With The Anderson Boys  /  Chapter 4 NO.4 | 5.88%
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Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 1928    |    Released on: 02/03/2018

ure of


confusion. We drove across town just for a diner that was a few

not going to q

appears in front of me, his eyebrow raising. I quickly walk behind him and walk in the di


te and red. I notice the counter that goes across the whole dinner an

red hair walks out. Her hair was tied up in a messy bun at the to

oo long! What can I do for you today?" The girl a

I'll just get two cheeseburger meals." Sam says and he slides a twenty

ot disappearing from her face and for a split second, she notices

because I am not wearing my jacket, I think to myself before running over to the booth and sitting against the window, letting o

out to say something before he gets cut off

sks. "Yeah she's fine." Sam says, glancing over at me and he nods slowly. "Okay, I'll a

tonight?" Sam asks me and I nod slowly. I wa

Bye." Sam says before hanging up the

sk, curiosity getti

lies, turning his gaze

Alec?" I ask Sam and he looks ove

quite annoyed. I shake my head, smiling slight

explains and I nod. All of a sudden, I notice Sally appear wit

walks away, she looks over at me and sends

furrow my eyebrows and notice Sam's eyes o

t Sally who is making her way back to the kitchen. I look

n't k

rds the car. Instead of thinking that Sam would actually hurry since i

out his keys and clicks a button, making the car lights flash. I immediately open the car do

r my breath and Sam looks ove

r w

because of you." I snap coldly, ru

or - wait, I actually don't care." Sam

se you

faint music playing from the stereo is currently keeping me calm and relaxed, which

e that we has passed the school. With my eyes widen, I look

ing?" I ask as we sto

m replies

ocker and my mom is going to be so angry at

e up. I flick his hand away and send Sam a g

your jacket tomorrow and lastly, do you really want to go back just to hear mor

t like a whisper. Sam glances o

at do y

ok out the window, watching the


pen the door and run out in the pouring rain. Before I know it, I open the car door and immediately run under the she

d I watch as he takes off his leather

'drama queen'." I retort and he chuckles, walking over to the c

begin to play on the television and I look up. The song Love Your


ng to curl up in a ball. As we both watched the video, boredom cl

a sudden, I l

ged the channel..

der. He raises an eyebrow at me and I glare at him

" I say, staring int

s, a small chuckle escaping his li

ou can use normal, appropriate words?" I

our point much more stronger and bold."

by the sound of a laugh escaping someone's lips. S

while Hayden grabs an apple from the fruit bowl. Alec

g here?" Alec speaks up and I

ere j

I look over at Sam who is gla

pushes and Sam an

y at the same time and

en says and I remember when Sam told me at the diner that

his leather jacket, which is soaking wet by the way, an

p on the couch, sitting on both sides of me. "Wh

." I say slowly and point to the t

n his face. "Okay, what team is that?" Cole asks and I look at th

it's th

whisper in ear and I

believe me but we were hav

s and I open my eyes, look

o to almost kiss." Alec adds an

n't even close to that!" I prot

ing subject we have going now but I am starving and I am ready for some CO

Alec let's out a laugh, looking ov


Alec let out a groan. Cole joins me and laughs a

- Ed

ent, and a v


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