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Chapter 2 The Ravenwood Arms

Word Count: 4598    |    Released on: 14/03/2018


ep in such a position and the rest of my body upset with the fact I was awake when it clearly needed several more hours down time. I was still tired enough that my hea

ous day. The plane rolled to a stop and as the stairs were moved into place, Malak came out of

y neck hoping I didn't look too bedraggled. We still had to check in with the Commission's local representative, James. I harbored mixed feelings about James. I didn't really like him, but on occasion

as I usually saw him both before and after a job, half the time I was trailing some form of dust or debris from a construction site. Resigned, I rubbed my gritty eyes, slipped on my coat, picked up my bag and followed Malak off of the plane. Despi

es. Their normal activity kept the airport from looking suspicious. At the moment, there were only a few scattered travelers sprinkled through the airport, the bulk of them having already left. As time for the next flights drew closer, I was certai

e main space. Malak flashed a plastic card at the electronic scanner and the door clicked open. We stepped inside and once the sound proo

ak and I hurried through the second door, closing it quickly behind us in case the single layer of sou

gustus Addison, IV was from one of the powerful mage families. They consistently produced strong magic users with multiple talents and each sometime in the dista

nd regulations; he didn't like privileges they received and most of all he didn't like the fact that he was not born to one of the families destined to inherit a seat on the Commission. 'It is time for new

he injustice they mo

go into either the trades or academics. For every carpenter and electrician we boasted, we claimed an equal number of professors, usually of ancient history or linguistics. My cousin Sean and I, currently the only two remaining members of the once large Apple

ticularly like

mission's roster if they did manage to take power. I was certain that any issues I or anyone like me for that matter, raised w

ped into the office's reception area. Marcie, James Rutherford's secretary, was typing at her computer and doing her best to pretend not to hear the argum

n as Bradford strode into the waiting area. His color was high from his argument making his pale skin actually resemble something other than uncooked bread dough. The knot in his tie had even come slightly askew, which was the mos

ist dupe returns from doing the bidding of her mas

anyway. Early on I tried questioning policy with people like him and grew tired of hitting my head on that particular brick wall. Today I was tired

if you were in charge?" I ask

shielding regulations from the available stack. He tossed the regulations at me and I caught it on reflex, pleased it hadn't actually hit me in the

ke the rules rather than the one who just enforce

heeks. "Ignorant fool, " he hissed at me before stalking to

me Malak sighed and shook his head. I really didn't need his condemnation. I knew I should have kept

, " James said from the doorway of his office answering the question Bradford ignored. Marcie resumed her place, c

tially. Listening to him, I thought Bradford might have miscalcula

ame at all when in his presence referring to him as neither Mr. Rutherford nor the more familiar James. Not that I usually spoke in his presence. James beckoned us both into his office. I followed behind Malak, still hold

James looked like a stereotypical banker behind his giant mahogany desk. "One of his compatriots wanted shielding, but didn't meet the requirements. The apartment he is renting m

ion had on their list. I didn't need to look at the booklet in my hand to know

ently believing the Commission should just give shields to him because he wanted it and comes from a powerf

e tapped a few keys, using only his two index fingers and smiled when the information he wanted came on the screen. While

usti job. Any complic

Malak a

ening to audio books or sleeping. Although Malak liked to say he listened to various historical treatise and books about

not to

least not

its of the text from time to time. I didn't think most history books were concerned with the inner you or used words like throbbing and smoldering quite as often as Ma

He nodded in satisfaction. "Ah, larger job that explains it." Through the still open door I could hear the sound of a printer. Momen

the council owed me money should the fee not appear in my bank account as promised. I started taking shielding jobs for the commission at the age of twelve, saving up the early payments to pay for college, and while there were many thi

of the rules and regulations booklet I still held. When I got home, I would

are keeping on top of it." James crossed his hands in front of him on the desk, fingers laced together, thumbs pressed against each other to form a stee

t us in a secured parking lot when we exited the building. I followed Malak to his black SUV and we placed our luggage in the trunk. Once again I took the passenger's seat and Malak piloted us through the s

e rules and regulations at the main door to my apartment building. He drove away without a word and I entered the building, happy to be out of the cold wind.

ds my apartment door, my stomach rumbled. I debated food vs. sleep as I dug out my keys and opened the door. A flurry of excited barking greeted my arrival and Winston, my overly enthusiastic dog rushed to welcome me home. Despite being half English Staffordshire and half American Pi

he could lick instead. "I was only gone a few days not a fe

amusedly watching my homecoming extravaganza. "We went for a nice long run in the park this morning and

nd going to the edge of the kitchen. He lay down next to his empty food bowl and rolled his eyes up to look at me while letting loos

. I succeeded in wrangling a hanger and forcing my coat between a large puffy coat Sean liked to wear skiing and the wool trench coat I wore when I actually had to look nice in the cold. Feeling triumphant when the clos

ialistic dupe?" I opened the bread, took two sl

hat the final call was. Bradford was in t

, not needing more

r of peanut butter on one slice of the bread. "I learned I could shield tennis courts, so if anyone is

d strawberry jam to my sandwich, making it a PB

over of that one had quite impressive breasts." I returned the jam to the fridge, poured myself a glass of milk and took the milk and pla

bosom, "

f my sandwich and felt the r

t would be tacky. If they are on the cover of a romance novel,

to be tacky, " I tol

to uphold the classy

distance of the shop and neither of us has ever gotten moti

ecause you weren't answering your phone. I told her you were personally overseeing the delivery o

friend, she knew nothing of the magical world or my extra abilities. This was hardly th

there is some sort of auction coming up she wants you to atten

a mass clear out or start looking at houses. She decided that because I routinely build things and have conver

auction?" Sean

e home improvement shows she likes to wa

ous, especially for her."

of tool meant that in very short order you would be making a trip to the emergency room. "I think she likes the concept of makin

. "It actually might be less risky for you sinc

hop though, why are you home at this time of day anyway? Shouldn't y

Sunday and that we a

hat does explain the lack of commuters at the airport though. Well, at least I won't feel bad taking

is eyelashes at me and I frowned. Once, over martinis, I confessed

with a fireman while I was gone? Shouldn't that have maxed out your man candy limit

mismatch and now of course my fireman fantasy is ruined. Now when I try to bring it to mind, all I hear in m

ss to the kitchen. "Did you at least make a dirty jo

rant that just opened up down on fifth, Celeste. Really good food and the prices weren't bad. My pork chop had some sort of Calvados and ginger glaze or sauce or something that I could guzzle by the bucket

I yawned hugely. Now that my belly was full, my exhaustion was rising. I was fed and it was time for slee

mell in the elevator, " I asked as I rubbe

as he was taking all of the elements down to the rec area. Poor guy was shivering the whole time. He looked misera

ighbor and the group of people he usually had flocking about hi

it, " Sea

about the elevator's new scent, thanks,

pulled on an oversized t-shirt to sleep in. I slipped beneath the covers, pleased to be surrounded by the scent of my fabric soft

ght. Instead, I closed my e

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