img Ong's Hat - The Beginning  /  Chapter 4 No.4 | 16.67%
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Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 886    |    Released on: 10/04/2018

ox catalog of science books a

that. Yeah,

it come fro

a return address. How did

" I ans

talog are on your shelf, huh? I thought it mi

see how you could

s usual, with several Mondoids (followers of the radical publication Mondo 2000).

ag and handed it to me. "Here. You can ha

l attractive college-aged girls disrobing to enter the hot tub. I quickly went back o

off copies on a Xerox machine and gave them to several people. Eventually, with the help of a friend who owned a mail order conspiracy book company, I sold a "Xerox for cost" edition. Individuals or other catalog companies ordered sets that we Xeroxed to order. I estimate that we distributed thousands of copies like this. At the time, I considered the documents a great

a catalog; the brochure is not really a brochure. They are clever "enigma" codes that carry po

s popular media to see the

signal, a messa

ph M

n the Pine Barre

lete bibliography to the story that unravels in the companion documents. Read this like a series of sho


are Books, Manus

Frontier Science &


e/koiman, put to sleep/winding-sheet/koimetarium (cemetery)/printe


escription "rare and hermetic" - even the mass market paperbacks, not to mention the

d-like - the shape of Chaos according to Chaung Tzu. Cradle: beginings. Sleep: dreams

rcher has yet become aware of it (outside certain Intelligence circles, needless to say!) - and so dangerous that the "winding

A Theory harmonizes with genuine frontier quantum mechanics and chaos mathematics, and does not depend on any quack nostrums, psuedoscience

ks, pamphlets, flyers, privately - circulated or unpublished manuscripts, ephemera & curiosa available through us

No cheques or money o

Emory Crans

f, Fre

ses: The Search

Simon & Sch

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