img The Billionaire's One Night Stand  /  Chapter 5 NO.5 | 11.63%
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Chapter 5 NO.5

Word Count: 804    |    Released on: 08/05/2018

le!" Sabrina ex

dealing with Mateo, and my car. We are currently at Appl

with buying me a car, I mean does t

g games but also is trying to get your

billionaire is

hose sexual thoughts

to reminisce about what Mateo said to me. Maybe Sa

ltural festival tomorrow

now I always love c

ute boys, go on rides,


onversation about the cultural fes

away from here. Since I'm going to be working at a high-end

g with

h?'' said the young blonde

ing to do a dy

re and sit over there til' the ha


a woman near me. She made me sit down on the hig

ful name, '' she said w


what do you want to

th a light brown with

complement your beautiful car

ir went from cute to gorgeous. My curl

hair looks. After, I did my pedicure and waxed my legs. I t

, I feel like

some spaghetti. I sat down in my chair

ages were loading rapidly from left to right. So many articles from differe

and looked at the pictures of Mateo po

his glorious body. The v-line deep in his


hell am

my phone. I can't believe I was lurkin

strapped up my nude heels and tied my hair into a high

reak room. Starting up the coffee, I grabbed some creams

opy of my notes on his laptop. A slight creak opened u

h shock. He opened his mouth tryi

' I said in a qu

e stuttered. He came his way to me and I c

ou're coffee with cream sugars, and you ha

.. Uh, t-th


s you... I me

him for a little bit. He was still in shock with my new ha

ulled out my laptop and

ou, '' I

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