img The Curse of Kalaan  /  Chapter 1 The encounter | 8.33%
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Chapter 1 The encounter

Word Count: 3792    |    Released on: 17/05/2018

an?ois Champollion, two hours after their unexpected encounter at Tell el-Amarna. He had briefly toured a section

of thought, h

believe that all the pillaging these ancient sites are being subjected to has worsened their condition. My colleagues and I have observed that time was not the only culprit in the destruction of the remains. Men armed with pickaxes

ess in his voice, his amber-green eyes scanning the ruins across to the steep chalky cliffs rising to the east.

on this Akhena

figure in the long list of kings, queens or pharaohs. I admit I am starting to feel the same as my colleagues, who affirm that Akhenaten was, in truth

tish object from his pocket, which ar


crystallized limestone. Notice how it is polished to perfection. From its shape we assume it belonged to a knee from a statue,

tten that I wish to share one of my recent discoveries with you? And w

y and with no further explanation, was striding towards the banks of the Nile, where the boats were docked. The rascal! He

e stature, and moved lithely among the ruins of Tell el-Amarna like a feline reveling in the sun. He was dressed in a white linen tunic, close-fitting light-

y means, tarnish his stately bearing, quite the opposite, in fact. His appearance was enhanced by the fabric that concealed his dark sun-streaked chest

e, features. His chin was a little too strong and his lips a little too full. All together his features were int

easily switch from displaying determination, to derision, to deep annoyance. His alluring amber-green eyes were magnetic and the peop

aan spared no efforts in digging the earth, lifting rocks, and carrying heavy weights just like the laborers he employed on his exca

slipped away from the members of Champollion's expeditionary force, which included his closest frien

hampollion, whose brown eyes were shining with elation. "My Italian friend and colleague, Rosellini, must certa

rpions, " Kalaan teasingly ad

, and Nestor L'H?te. And yet this was neither the first site the two men had visited with Champollion, nor would it be the last, and they had already seen more than their share of re

ed, "To slake your thirst and

ith impatience to lay eyes on the troubling discovery that had not

Salam, Kalaan's faithful Tuareg friend, was waiting for them, with Lil' Louis, the count'

n-Fran?ois once more, as he to

in the right direction. His gestures were calm and sure, as though he'd been doing this all his life, although he was

aneer. He began in the service of Napoleon Bonaparte when he was only fourteen and then went on to serve L

tsteps; but the old Count of Croz had disappeared at sea during a dangerous missio

, imagining him upright and proud at the helm of his frigate, unaffected by the cascades o

wing of the Cour Carré, were devoted to Egyptian and Greco-Roman antiquities. At the time Jean-Fran?ois hung on every word the count said after returning from one of his numerous expeditions to Egypt, wh

arms and constantly thrilled him with her rich and mysterious history. And now, on this seventh day of November in 1828, adrenalin

r the other, and only stopped when he realized he hadn't given the count, who was loo

into the water before they hit the sand, was heading towards the dry desert zone that could be seen just beyond the lush green belt. Despite being a nobleman, the Count of Croz, totally lacked the manners and courtesy that would have him wait for his g

warmly shaking the man's large hand

pleased t'see ye. The sooner ye get the lad outta this hol

little fellow, whose trousers were always falling, cut a comic figure and, with Kalaan, the two of them formed an odd

his dark, unfathomable almond-shaped eyes, thick dark eyelashes and well-defined eyebrows. The man was heavily armed, wearing a takoba7, held at the waist by a brown leather belt. It was only visible by its

troubling idea, "God has united the light and the shadows about me,

is head with respect, the Tuareg spoke in Arabic

be peace, " replied Jean-Fran?

rlier. The heat on this side of the Nile was strangely heavier than on the east bank at the ruins of Tell el-Amarna. Jean-Fran?ois was soon aw

furnace of the dunes, it became more and more difficult to walk. It was almost as if the fin

hat there were tears in them. The clothes became rough and itchy and even the boots, which were supposed to serve as pr

o wait for them. He lowered the bottom strip of his cheich, thus uncovering hi

said scolding, when he noticed the sorry state his old friend was in. "Good

her oy'd not let ye

ise her to die of

s refreshing. After quenching his thirst, he quickly handed it to the old seafarer. The old man

rumbled, "No one tells of

e'd already said the same thing a hundred times. "You can

uriosity about the blue man. Kalaan realiz

attire. He would like to be dressed entirely in white, to express his

e than a small ordinary man. He had such a mistaken opinion of himself, while the world of explorers both respec

" Kalaan revealed pointing tow

iraling arabesques were rising in the air, making

iately followed by another, one wave of sound after another. There! The sound shifted again and little by little tra

cented voice, influenced by his native Berber tongue. The ancient ones u

ad been constantly with him for some time now, the fear that his demise was imminent and th

dig into them creating little sand avalanches. But I can understand your consternation. I felt the same way the first time I experienced the p

mpollion shook off his morbid thoughts and ordered

that only Champollion could hear him. The Egyptologist stifled h

e the right choices!" he said over his shoulder.

terrifies you? You look solid as a rock, so much so that i

y laugh and turned to loo

at gives me cold sweats,

try, unless it mus

w, " the old sailor add

t bitter expression. "I have no secrets. Well, since you insis

ing, but quickly regained his composure when he saw the vexed look on the face of the Adonis, beloved by

ount wasn't joking. This womanizing rake was afra

ame, not one better than the other. Except, of course, for my sister Isabelle and my mother, " he muttered,

aren't you?" Cham

tired of them. All I see when I look at women now is their duplicity and their abounding hypocrisy. Do

nd free; and certainly all the matriarchs of French nobility were aware of this. Kalaan most likely had to suffer all the marriageable young ladies from all over France being p

w Jean-Fran?ois could understand and give credit to Kalaan's words. However, he would hav

" the count announced, pulling

e ridge of a high dune and nothing arou

dune, what looked like stone walls most likely of human construction, had been revealed. The ancient earthy coating had been partially removed and cl

e world what should never have reappeared. We are the first to have laid eyes on this edifice since time immemorial. It has never been charted by Sicard, or by the scientists who were h

t a tomb, " he insisted, as he already had numerous times, since they discovered t

The Tuareg's alarming words echoed the horri

ing, " Kalaan muttered, knitting his brow. "Why place such a building

place, " Lil' Louis muttered nervously.

med Kalaan,

living creatures from whatever it

reg friend and turned to look at Je

roglyphs on the door, as they hold the answers to our questions? Thanks to your studies an

f foreboding was strong, he felt the same exhilarating curiosity as Kalaan and wanted

" he responded in a loud, yet

led, before tumbling down the slope leading

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