img How to: Survive an Alien Invasion  /  Chapter 5 Viisi - Finnish | 100.00%
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Chapter 5 Viisi - Finnish

Word Count: 1111    |    Released on: 06/06/2018

low coloured walls. Whoever chose these colours was either unable to choose a decent colour scheme, or had a very cruel sense of humour. I'll go with the latter. At least my white bookshelves

t smile she'd ever seen that day. I'd never been to a library, but I don't doubt that it's heave

eir work or what they did, but Allan spent most of his time in the fields and Julia was usually typing away on a computer. I often helped Allan out in the fields bef

own the stairway. Once I reached the bottom, I turned left and into the kitchen, passing the front door. Allan and Juli

until a heavy metal song began to play. Allan had made his own mix of songs on one record so it was just a mash up of random genres. Julia laughed and made a rock

oom. I could no longer hear the music and I didn

t, it was defini

he change of music. It was a slow song, one I didn't recognize. Allan and Julia were no longer sitting down, nor were

ands around his neck. They swayed in a circle as the song played out and I watched them admirably. Allan leaned down and whispe

time? Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I always lose track

e you?" Julia then questioned aloud. I swooned as their footsteps echoed above

lking about?" Allan asked me, taking h

un thing, " I said, standing

y drink in Canada now, you deserve more attention a

e in America, " I replied, fol

en years of us, " Julia contributed with a soft smile. I raised

ly as they lead me outside. I hadn't noticed how dark it

out to ask her what she was so excited about, when a loud bang pierced the sky. A ball of light went flying up into the dark and exploded midair. The

tinued to light up the sky. I looked ov

bright as the lights in the sky. I moved my gaze bac

as amazing, thank you so much!" I exclaimed happily, running over to Allan and hugging him tightly. Julia came

alked back inside. The smoke from the firew

pleasant smiles and I quickly found myself wrapped up in my bed sheets. I could faintly hear Julia and Allan walking

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