s for an aspiring vampire hunter to travel – he could've bought a ticket on one of the many tramp freighters and loderunners traveling this part of space... but therein
freelancer. Or, more accurately, what he really wanted to do. He wondered if people dismissed him because they thought he was crazy – or becaus
gh people believed the same thing, it would make that thing true in the same sure-fire way that if you repeat a lie enough times and get enough people to repeat it as w
, things got ugly. Mak and the other guy started to laugh and trade insults with him over his mental capacity, and well – Mom always did say he'd inherited his dad's impulsivity and violent streak! The two dudes went down without
one of the escape pods! Of course, none of this had been planned – well, except for the timing of bringing the ship out of hyperspace – because this is exactly where he needed to be. The
n't, well – no problem. He couldn't afford to keep making screw-ups like that – he had to keep his shit together. But – yeah – the planet
Tourist Guide, under the "Fishing" section, wound its way from the northern mountain ranges across the southern plains and finally through Skeggs' Valley to where it ul
local fishing club would be out on the river in canoes. It was just before dawn, the water on this particular section was still
restrained voice of a more senior g
al said curtly. "You
old age home, whose company he shared this fine evening, also happened to be most of the Skegg's Valley Dynamite Fishing Club, of which he was, naturally, the Chairperson. Young mister Jordan at the back of his canoe, was the only member
ound when there were more physical things that needed doing, like heavy lifting. And he doesn't complain
under a bivvy by a warm camp-fire and (of course) blowing several different shades of crap out of cocka-snoek with live military surplus hand grenades. Okay, well – not so 'live' anymore. After that unpleasant accident, when they lost their last qualified me