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Chapter 2 Mossy green

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 19/07/2018

fucking late for school

utes more

! You get u

ut of my bed by none other than m

an skip school...." My muffled v

? Because I will not let you. So get up, get ready


ges. Maybe that is what happened to me when I got a scholarship to Bruckba

mushy green trees with scattered bus

d much because I always loved the rain. Never the cold nor the heat but the rain. Maybe it has something to do with the auspicious season I took birth

e music?" Liza popped the bubblegu

tarted bleeding from listening to those same tunes again and again.

is". A smile crept across my face as

other and still be comfortable. We never even talked about each other's past because it's better that way but ot

to our school? I heard that he is kinda hot." She wiggled he

her." The frown on my nose distorted my facial stru

t take a chill pill and wait. Anyways music is your fav subject and you will have to spend more time with him and then...y

first boyfriend and you expect me to fall into a guy's arms that easily. Not to menti

pens in life..." Liza said wit

se knows that b


hing in college that no on

h happens to be before my favorite class, that is music. So that means I will get all sweaty and tired by

uff when a bunch of cheerleaders were passing

s he is very handsome." Liza said whil

code or what? All they ever wear are mini skirts and skinny tops." I sa

h as you would like to. By the way, I and Max are gonna skip the last period, care to

not skip it. I thought you did not want me to lose my scho

d not want you to miss your little date with Mr hot now would I ?" She winked and ch

h her. I don't know what's up with her because no one in their ri



hat I would fall asleep on the piano even before I hit a tune. And all those laps around the playground did

or to the music room as my eyes met wi

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