img Reborn as a Sea Nymph  /  Chapter 1 ONE | 5.26%
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Chapter 1 ONE

Word Count: 975    |    Released on: 31/08/2018

e I am being

one pick me up? I am

n my eyes. B

you to wake up yet." Someone co

into deep

pen my eyes. But I feel weird. It feels

ands and they'

al." The gentle voice from before. A young man appear

n? It's just a nap. I had an afternoon nap and then I became a cloud? I was just takin

lose my eyes and mutter to mys

es, I am still in

ream kind of dream. I try to make myself fall asleep agai

eep, fall

soft that I nearly cannot catch that. It did not feel like I heard t

azy. The voice just now

situation. Defeated, I first open one of

e voice is still in front

y awake." He gives me a g

Where am I?" I

castle. I am Princess Cor

do these two names sound really

inside a cloud. Maybe it's due to the fa

newly formed sea nymph should. Don't w

nd comforting smile all make me fret le

kind of sea creature

man! Not a spirit o

ou are the spirit of a pearl oyster.

e hangs on my neck. It looks kind of like a pearl cho

ed supply of pearls, but just what is going on

e this vivid. Everything is in high definit

What if... No it can't be. Those things are just st

get used to it. As a newly formed nymph, you do not

name rings

uite similar to my name. It means violet flow

ine, Cordelia,

's adventure on land. Valentine, Cordelia's cousin, is the royal sorcerer of the underwater kingdom Ocera. He is also the one who give

mportantly it's because she died in the end. She is the only character who dies in the novel. Not even the antagonist gets to die, but she does. Why? Because she is such a loyal servant. She saves her pr

t is just a short little story I sneaked in between studying.

much. It's really not very memorable. See, I don't even remember the

fun after exams, but turns out

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