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Chapter 4 Their Agreement

Word Count: 2242    |    Released on: 25/09/2018

rtially kneeling in front of the King to

wn regal seat at the throne hall which was loca

own of precious stones and diamonds and around his neck, he wore a thick gold-plated necklace with an emerald pendant as its centerpiece. This emerald pendant was i

crème of all the rooms in the Regaleria mansi

ousand all seated. The room had a perfectly polished marbled floor of blue co

re a total of twenty-five black iron chandeliers giving light to the hall and huge French crystal chandeliers, two of which

roux; the crest of the kingdom in the middle and a free artistic paint of the professor's own choosing of heavenly angels, landscapes of t

ly, an extravagant show of the many riches he had

of Olga is a victory, " Midas spoke as

ident leader, just like Aulrick." There was a taste of disgust roped in his voice when he uttered the name. "The

lana is said to be friends, Your Majesty. They once consp

body is." King Garlow took his chalice from a tray and finished it in one gulp. His eyes were tainted with regret and disappointment,

swiftly, still clad in his silver iron ar

se Mansion informed him of his father's arrival. He immediately went out to

father who was about to ride his brown stallion eq

his father expressed as he faced his son with a furtive look in his eyes.

ance. "I do not know what yo

in Veirsalles. Surely, you k

the back of his horse. He gave his father a clever look as if

ncess. Her virtue is the one thing he wants remain untouched,

e only one standing between that thought and

prince?" he inquired, br

g of the man she had been living in the same roof for years. Somehow...somehow a thought never left h

rn my son, the word hate holds a la

He then offered his father's h

g father, " he

only eyed him with bitterness. He grumbled un

deeply and spoke, "I smell blood in the air, " and with that, he signaled his large hors

didn't show himself nor summoned her, much to her joy. It was when she heard from Lady Faye that there was

ough, instead it changed her

kingdom." She shook her head in d

scrubbed the mane of a horse so hard it

" She frantically tried

Princess, " a deep male voice spoke c

d to where the voice was. "

ne stood and then without warning, he tenderly brushed her tangled h

ur weakness. Won't you mind if I wash your beautiful hair

id you inherit that from your father? But no, not a chance, my

gan to dutifully splash the horse wi

princess trying to keep herself busy. He noticed how casually she wore her dress amidst b

e knee, with her shoulders exposed and her bosom open t

, " Lianne questioned, again s

ain replied quickly

gave him a shrewd l

a wooded column a few steps away from her. He was wearing black trousers paired wi

would easily swoon over him. She thought it was silly to hear that they'd give their virginity to him anytime

moment right?" She stared at him briefly and then

" Cain reasoned, knowing Lianne's hostile

sion. "Hmmm, so you have a lot of spare time I se

s chin as if thinking. "

him a puzzled look. "You're

e, Princess, " he answered point

by the mere mention of that wo


e things,

e bluffing again, my Lord, " she replie

he water well connected to a river flowing outside the Regaleria mansion. It

a day with her and he treasured it. It enchants him just seeing her do the chores she perfectly does. Never

began to speak, "Then I am glad to inform you, my Lord, that I a

with yet again another teasing look, "Yo

anne moved her gaze up the sky realizing

derful day?" Cain then bowed his head low, posing

answer in a mocking way, "Go and make your

ain feeling

e answered, hurriedly following her as she

her this very afternoon was

tracks and then faced Cain who

Cain answered, s

a horse, " Lianne demand

?" Cain clear

even ask, you al

ssed his arms to his chest and stared at Lianne who

pure. The sun was playfully kissing her ha

might not do harm to her nor it would anger

ld allow me to kiss you?" Cai

ed furtively, clamping down her long, partial

hispered carefully at Lianne's ear, holding both her shoulders so she would not step back. It gave Lianne

n teasing her more than the usual. She'd always feel that brotherly feeling aro

l and hard and finally,

t of freedom inside the mansion's wal

t, she won't need to concern herself



Chapter 0 Prologue Chapter 1 A Kiss On The Cheek Chapter 2 Unwanted Attention Chapter 3 Left Behind Chapter 4 Their Agreement Chapter 5 Missing Him
Chapter 6 Longing For You
Chapter 7 A Snowy Dream
Chapter 8 The Agreement's Kiss
Chapter 9 The First Invitation
Chapter 10 Intoxicated Attempt
Chapter 11 In Which She Becomes Confused
Chapter 12 Behold He Who Returns
Chapter 13 A Silent Torment
Chapter 14 An Agreement with the Prince
Chapter 15 A Truce for the Night
Chapter 16 The Two Men's Flames
Chapter 17 Choosing Carriage
Chapter 18 A Book in the Library
Chapter 19 The Regaleria Ball
Chapter 20 The Table of the Wolves
Chapter 21 A Competition of Two Women
Chapter 22 A Dance Would Be Enough
Chapter 23 A Marriage Trap
Chapter 24 An Intruder in the Midst
Chapter 25 A Calming Embrace
Chapter 26 The Sickness of the Almighty
Chapter 27 The Flight of a Princess
Chapter 28 Come Back With Me
Chapter 29 A Feverish State
Chapter 30 A Kiss To Heal
Chapter 31 The Almighty King's Death
Chapter 32 A Kiss of Longing
Chapter 33 Free As a Bird
Chapter 34 The Picture Frame
Chapter 35 Return of His Majesty
Chapter 36 Prelude To Their Meeting
Chapter 37 Trapped In His Arms
Chapter 38 Almost His
Chapter 39 The New King's Plight
Chapter 40 The Interrogation of the King
Chapter 41 A Most Welcome Apparition
Chapter 42 His Chamber
Chapter 43 A Night's Taste of Passion
Chapter 44 Dismayed by Madness
Chapter 45 Haunting The Heart
Chapter 46 In The Forest
Chapter 47 The Relieving But Painful Truth
Chapter 48 The Clash of Desires
Chapter 49 Carriage In Disguise
Chapter 50 Only But A Door Stops Him
Chapter 51 A Heart with No Boundaries
Chapter 52 A Most Wondrous Morning
Chapter 53 The Ship of Love
Chapter 54 Alarm in the Middle of the Festivity
Chapter 55 Sailing Away from You
Chapter 56 A Boy's Company
Chapter 57 The Dead King's Last Request
Chapter 58 Yearning for Heaven's Miracle
Chapter 59 Out From the Ashes, Love is Born
Chapter 60 An Uninvited Guest
Chapter 61 Death and Gravity
Chapter 62 A Chance of a New Life
Chapter 63 Epilogue
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