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In Love With My Driver

In Love With My Driver

Author: Symplyayisha
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Chapter 0 Prologue

Word Count: 677    |    Released on: 23/10/2018


skills of how to run and cope in the business world. Being an only child and heir to her Pa

waited for all their lives. Raymond and Michelle Davis are Melinda's parents. Melinda was conceived at the

oment she was born. Raymond and Michelle are so proud of the way she hand

ourire. The trio have been best friends since high school and Melinda considered them as the brother and sister she never had. Nate is 26 and is already the CEO of

nless they are in your shoes. Melinda has never experienced what is called "A true love." She needed someone who will love her genuinely, she needed a soul mate

love her. But because they wanted her money and wanted to be as

nk. It was probably the worst mistake she had ever made. She blamed herself for be

pretended to be loving and even went the extra mile to be romantic to make Mel fall in love with him. Nate and D

ng his true colours and Melinda later discovered th

ing is that when Mel finally decided to give herself to him in bed, She found out that he was impotent. Fr

He's sure sleeping with other w

t rid of Frank as soon as possible. But while the lawyer is still working on her case, Me

Melinda come across he

in to her feel

el be real or will he be aft

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