img Brewster's Millions  /  Chapter 8 THE FORELOCK OF TIME | 23.53%
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Word Count: 1390    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

air, and his eyes were wide and sleepless. He had dined at the Drews' the evening before and had had an awakening. As he thought of the matter he could recall no special occurrence that he

y one she liked next to her, but why she should have chosen that silly ass is more than I know.

o undesirable notice, she forgave him everything after a moment's consideration. The first few wrenches of resentment were overbalanced by her American appreciation of chivalry, however inspired. "The Censor" had gone for years unpunished; his coarse wit being aimed at every one who had come into social prominence. So pungent and vindictive was his pen that other men feared him, and there were many who lived in glass houses in terror of a fusilade. Brewster

ussing it soberly with himself. "I've never told her," he said to himself, "but if she doesn't know my feeling she is not as clever as I think. Beside

outset by a startling embarrassment, made absolutely clear by the computations of the night before. The last four days of indifference to finance on one side, and pamperi

idiots about devotion, and of course she doesn't know what a heavy task I'm facing. And there are the others-what will they do while I am out of the running? I cannot go to her and say, 'Please, may I have a year's vacation? I'll come back next September.' On the other hand, I shall surely ne

ng for a messenger-boy with such a show of impatience that Rawl


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property over to wife, pr


one's wife is neither a loan nor is it charity. Old Jones might call it needless extravagance

s appeal for advice and consolation. She was to come to his next dinner-party,

others. They were alone in the library, and she was d

r first dinner?" s

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active." There was no

she's one of the best, Pegg

seems to care for


art. You don't have to mar

ly. "I'm pretty hard hit, and I want your help. A siste

r an instant, not realizing the f

" she said,

could she throw off the weight that seemed pressing down upon her. He saw the odd look in her eyes and the drawn, uncertain smile on her lips, but he attributed them to wonder and incredulity. Somehow, after all these years, he was transformed before her very eyes; she was looking up

ds, Peggy, but-but I'm going to th


good wishes. And, Peggy," he continued, with a touch of boyish wistfulness, "do you thin

to say, "Monty, you are the be

straight and uncompromising. His long strides carried him swiftly out of sight, but it was many minutes before she turned her eyes, which were smarting a li

d home he found this t



knitting, yo


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