img The wife  /  Chapter 2 You get what you deserve | 7.32%
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Chapter 2 You get what you deserve

Word Count: 1359    |    Released on: 19/07/2019

t fall if yo

?" Bianca asked, angsty

girlfriend, " Nathan s


would want her to make her pretend

ing mom and I want her o

d solemnly t

each other. My mother will kill you w

n response and

n. Twenty-one. I

aised an


e Hem of her garment and he immediat

were dead." He apologized, out o

s and she wiped them off w

ince birth. My mother is an alcoholic and can

tye route to self-pity not what Nathan was expecting.

o, mo

etting late.

t the end of the line. Bianca forgo

ix." Nathan sent,


ad and Nathan dr

sits. Always complaining about something. May

ything to trade my life wit

ng, " Nath

out you?" Bi

ght for a l

g black, love working, and more i

part like he was re

gnored t

" The fake girl

x and determined when

assistant Claire will

on't do well with peop

sionlessly to her ch

I just told you, I

d waited at the door

id in a feigned

od up and

d a good sense of hu

n said, slightly offended. He had a good sense o

and Nathan locke


nt's attempt of striking a conversatio

d facial expressions. The phone in the pocket of her gown which she had sow

a said, reaching into her pocket an

n, she put the p

o, mo

omputer placed in front of her

briefly before cu

ur mother?"

a stupid look

. Nathan be done with

ointed and Bianca turned t

sagged down and his shirt was soaked i

d over his head lik

eed t


topped her, his eyes

ot going

. A gown that had not lost color yet and was presentable to the public eye,

oing to t

kidding me." B

a to the mall and now she had to pick a dress. One

the hands of the manager

and a penchant for fashion tips followed Bianca as she made a selection. If Nathan was going to let

length and covered everything that needed to be covered. T

ring out your ey

ough to kill a cat. Bianca wondered how

ut." The manager said whilst push

t with mirrors. The three corners of the

e echoed from o

nd picked up the Royal blue dress, t

new ones. Bianca picked up a set of Matching flats and wore them a

her hands on the imag

't you j


the manager who could not wait for h

ng but it needs

, the woman was already at

hing, wiping, and addi

, you look l

like an Android that was unde

s." Sh

. Now go show y

bunk that Nathan was her boyfrie

able with people staring at her. The s

she reached Nathan who was s


o meet her face and his

ou look

hed at his



lived in a huge mansion painted cream. Nathan had Reve to he

th plaster of Paris that gave it it's flawless look. It was more than break taking. Bianca didn't get the chance to allow he

oorbell and waite

umping in anticipatio

ther going to be lik

nswers to were killing her

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