img Miss Mephistopheles  /  CHAPTER II. KEITH MEETS WITH AN ADVENTURE | 6.67%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1963    |    Released on: 17/11/2017

gh wind had dried the streets, the drenched foliage of the trees in the Fitzroy Gardens looked fresh and green, and there was a slight chilliness in the atmosphere which was highly inv

s the young man had nothing particular to do, he gladly assented. They strolled slowly through the gardens, admiring the glistening green of the trees

g breath of the keen air. Ezra, who was watching him closely, saw from his actions his intense appreciation of his surroundings, and was sat

envied the satyrs and dryades of heathendom, with their intense animal enjoyment

Hawthorn endowed Donat

l illustration of the proverb, 'Where ignorance is bliss'--he w

a great deal?" observed

comes to my net, and the result is a queer jumble of information; but let us leave this pleasant

y caressing his beard; "but if you want immediate wo


a clerkship in a--a

an office; it's such an artificial existence. However

deliberately, "and if I recommended y

t is your fathe

stocratic one,-

and looked at his c

the son of a pawnbroker,"

serenely. "I must be

ht to have been a man of letters--of vague speculations and abstruse

rs, and walked slowly onward

a money-making race. The curse which Jehovah pronounced on the Jews wa

t enough p

ussell Street, so I will speak to him to-day, and if he is agreeable, I will take you

keep body and soul togethe

me, I suppose. How did yo

ped in numbers, and the numbers came. I've no doubt they were sufficiently bad. I'm sure I don't know why all authors begi

les accepted since your

which have been declined on the plea that all plays come from London. I have seen editors, and have been told there was no room on the press--

ship," answered Lazarus quietly.

particular lane se

g to business, the cabs darting here and there, and the cable tramcars sliding smoothly along

eith, as they resumed their

ra, referring to an opera then running at

pera," said Keith. "You might take m

ra. "You will like Capri

speaks truly,

best-hearted woman in the wo

adiction," la

ntradictory--'tis a

y take full

, for just as they arrived near the Victoria Coffee

truck at what seemed to be the inevitable death of the child, for, though the driver put on the brakes, the speed was too great, and destruction appeared inevitable. Suddenly Keith seemed to recover the use of his limbs, and, with a sudden spring, bounded forwa

n the arm, on which he had fallen. Ezra crossed over to him, and the rescued child was standing on the footpa

e was hurt, retired, and the tram was soon sliding down the street. The crowd dispers

"to think as you should have bin nearly squashed by that ingine, and all comin' of runnin' out into the road, an' taking n

and glorious reddish-coloured hair, took no notice of this

oice; "I will tell mumsey, and she will say ni

ending down, kissed the pale little face presented to him, much

egs, I don't know, a-kissin' strange gents in the h'open street; not but what he don't

sharply; "you ought to look more carefull

Mr. Lazarhouse; and, beggin' your pardon, sir, it ain't my fault, as is

to kiss Meg; "least said, soonest mended;

made an impression. "But, gracious and good 'eavens, they only gives 'em for drowndin', though I never lets

short Bliggings in despair. "Tell your

an," said Meg, g

aint-like curtsey to both men, and was going away, when she suddenly came back, and

ssing her opinion that, "Oh! gracious, good 'eavens! she was red up to her eyes at such conduct,

" said Ezra, when Meg and her attendant had disappe

sked Keith, as he went into t

nd ordered a glass of

levantly. "She has played into your hands to-day, for tha

ild," said Keith. "Who is t

g story; I'll tell you all about it some day. Meanwhi

be to me," said K

great deal of good, seeing that she is the reigning favourite of the


s shoulders, and

have is a clever woman; a wiser man th

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