img Conscience -- Volume 2  /  Chapter 6 THE SMILES OF FORTUNE | 46.15%
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Word Count: 1886    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

t people played at Monaco, and that was all. He bought

g nothing that looked like a gambling-house as he understood it, that is, like the Casino

the gambli

s none a

ght the

one at Mon

it f

r yo

ountain, a green spot where, in the midst of the folia

ressed to him, and both laughed, shrugging their shoulders. Could any one be so stupid as these Parisians! Another one

The journey had calmed the agitation of his nerves, and it was with perfect tranquillity he looked back upon all that had passed before his departure. In the state of satisfaction that was his now, h

ould do as others did. If he were ridiculed, it was of little importance; and in reality he should desire to be ridiculed.

of green cloth, which was divided by lines and figures, some men were seated on high chairs, making them appear like officers; others, on lower chairs

tre jeu! Le jeu est f

rolled with a metallic noise. Although he had never seen rou

understood as little as at first. With the rakes the croupiers collected the stakes of certain players; with these same

seen how the money was placed o

in his hand when

, faites v

y-two, or, at least, he believed t

" The ball rolled

ost. He had placed his stake on the thirty-two, and it was the thirty-one that had appeared; the bank had won. He was surprised to see the croupier pus


ost, he could not take this, mone

nd beard were of a most extraordinary black, who, without playing, pricked a card with a pin.


t; and he must take this heap of louis, which he

me con

," called t

his number was called, and his ignorance was such that he did not know that in roulette a number is paid

at first. This was incomprehensible. When he lost, money wa

hat he saw a mocking smile in the eyes of the b

g, and not to win or lose, he pocketed all

said the amiable gentleman, leaving his chai

they were far enough away to converse without distu

resent myself-P

by giving his n

ent, "you will pardon me, I hope, for making the simple o

unusual this observation might be, he had already decided that it mig

ghteen times the sum of your stake at the first play, and wh

is t

l you." And he pr

on to learn the fact that this very-

end to play a

that would be mo

um; I have won it, an

ish as to refuse the han

ut to me?" Saniel asked, fin

bt it. I wi

t I never brea

his back on the man, but he was a witness w

ely. "Permit me to retire, after having thanked

ff five louis, only five louis, and confide them to me. I will play them according to my combinations, which are certa

I have jus

at ten o'clock, in this room, and

s to this old monkey? But, after all, it did not cost mu

ks! This evening

o face with his old comrade Duphot, who was acc

th the lover and his

at Monaco, and what he h

h! She is very we

lay no more?" t

e all

will pla

rew him to the roulette table, a



counsels you. Yo

d died. The two

two others, wh

e, dear

varying luck, w

ter of an hour they

u going to do no

owe to my credit

where the t


go wit

ness that Saniel was

e was idle, not knowing how to employ his time. So he bought a Nice newspaper and seated himself in the garden, under a gaslight, facing the dark and

paper, under "Late

of a trousers' button, to which is attached a piece of cloth. It shows, therefore, that before the crime there was a strugg

and the assassin made Saniel smile. Who co

t, and entering a copse

e who ha

ich the police were so proud to discover, did not belong to him. Th

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