o complete my studies with a high grade in one of the most prestigious schools in the world. Have a consider
!. Some will even go far to say that all of my aspires is a dream that will never be realised. But why?. Why can we have all at once?. OMG!. It's pains to see how normalities are whirling to anomalies in our day to day life. It seriously hurts to know that at the end of all
rt breaker. All he now cares for is money, money and only money!. He believes that money can buy everything on this earth and all he is interested in chasing is more money. Now by working side to side with his father, he has money. He floats in money. No one can mess up with him and go free. He has hard lost of girls in his life but no one lasted up to a month. He never loved any, it was just lust. Pure examples of sexual and