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Secretly Married

Secretly Married

Author: yoonworks
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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 673    |    Released on: 09/02/2021


ived everyone in the room after

't help it. I started to cry, not even if there were a lot of people, or if

saw that my member

y see the stage. My family had been patient and very understanding. When th

behind, they still embraced my goals and my decisions. After all the challen

ug each other as

ream. We had dreame

of nights staying till the wee hours, fighting the urge to sleep so we can practice our

can't even count the times when we all cried t

e we are, fulfil

appy," I

e both started squealing together. Soon,

elebrate," C

the same time, "Chicken!!!!" we all exclaimed

ite food but heck, one can

de of the dressing room so we can

ning so we need to go if we want to celebrate because we have some

inity Studios, we didn't notice a guy walking to


, greeting our senior. In our industry, we

t even checking who it is

bowed in return. The body refused to lift up as I

idn't move and I heard someone


was the guy I was dre

h D

h my breath u

ittle before his face became serious as he bowed again and went

should I expect?

u okay?" Tokyo asked

er as I reach

ecause we're finally debuting." I half-squealed

van with our manager on the wheels

h each other, my mind wandered to

usband. Well, at

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