spering and commenting. The supperless wore a defrauded and injured air. The eyes of many who had not left so important a duty to the uncertainties of the future, but, like
e provoked at others, and a few at themselves, for having brought so little. As the situation became clearer, all began to act characteristically, some preparing to slink away and escape a disagreeable state of things, and others
ether, and told them of the dire emer
lping the parson out of his scrape, for I have taken a great interest in him, or rather his wife.
isguised," whis
se and home, are preparing to go. We must get a collection before a soul leaves the house. Julian, you lock the back door, and, Mr. Hemstead, you stand by the front doo
d in disastrous failure. He had noticed, with satisfaction, that many of the people shared his regret, and wished to do something, but t
could be seen through open doors and heard from the upper story, clap
ions with his own money to feed a crowd who came here under the false pretence o
had heard that the people back in the country were large-handed, large-hearted, and liberal, but we must be mistaken. I think this the quintessence of meanness, and if you break up to
d-hot shot, and they deserved it. If that
his affair end as it promised to, and was going to come down handsomely myself, and try to get some others to, but since that sprig of the law has tried to bully and whip us into doing s
heir vexation; and this aristocratic young lawyer, whose words had cut like knives, was like a spark in powder. Many could go away and half persuade themselves that if it had not been for
front door, and said threatening
u do it," whi
the door
aid aloud; "I did not
ted the young farmer and asked
fair wor
and politely to you. Will you now
aring himself and folding his arms on his
o that it could be heard all through the h
with the same spirit of candor and politeness, to hear me for a few moments. But the door is open wide, and if t
t the door, sir. We will all listen when spoken to in that style. But we don't want to be driven like cattle.
own a few moments ago, I saw that many felt that it was too bad, and that something ought to be done, and no one was more decided in the expression of this feeling than the gentleman who last spoke. All that was needed then, and all that is needed now, is to consider the matter a moment and then act unitedly. I ask you as Christian men and women, as humane, kind-hearted people, to dismiss from your minds all considerations save one,-your pastor's need. I understand that he has six little children. A long, cold winter is before him and his. He is dependent upon you for the comforts of life. In return, he is serving the deepest and most sacred needs of your natures, and in his poverty is leading you to a faith that will enrich you
s ten dollars more to keep it company. When a man talks like that, I am w
soon for
ok five dollars out of most of the young chaps here. I'll go around with you, and see that each one comes down as he or she ought. I
ting storm had threatened there came a refreshing shower. What he had said commended itself
for money, the graceful city belle and the blunt, broad-shouldered farmer started on an expedition t
ow!" shouted
ss, and with smiles long remembered by some of the rustic youth, certai
was becoming a crown of joy indeed to the impoverished
few books for the minister's famishing mind, a new dress or
uld now be said that few wished to, for all began to
r now beaming companion, "Go and get Mrs. Dlimm, an
greenbacks in her husband's hat that in a bewildering sense of joy and gratitude she had fled to the little nursery sanctuary, and when found by some of the ladies was crying over the baby
of nothing but the old school-day formula; and so the statel
xpression of-of-I-we hereby present you with-with the rew
ing up threw her arms around Lottie's neck and kissed her, while the greenbacks were scattered round their feet
g. As she looked around deprecatingly, and half-ashamed, she saw that there was a prospect of a general shower, and that many of the women were sniff
we value more and are more blessed by the spirit of kindness which prompts the gift than by the gift itself. See, she puts her foot on the gift, but takes the giver to her heart. The needs of the heart-the soul-are ever greater than those of the body, therefore she acknowledges your kindness first, because with that you have supplied her chi
have been expected from her: "The gentleman has truly interpreted to you my very heart. I do value the kindness more even than the money whic
nger, sir, but I perceive from your noble courtesy and bearing-your power to appreciate and bring out the
elpless and awkward of mortals, as he found all eyes turned toward him. He was trying to escape from the room without stepping on two or three people-to Lottie's infinite amu
n supper in which she had indulged, and in a tone of ancient vinegar, sai
ions, also entered, and with a faint smile and with the best courtesy he could master under the trying circumstances, added: "I am sorry an
zzled by a louder expl
stout farmer whisper
ravagant flourish, of
been picked up. The good man stared at his wife with her tearful eyes, and Mrs. Gubling stared at the money, and the people laughed and clapped their hands as only hearty country people can. Lottie caught the contagion
rd, and the unheard-of delay in coming to supper. Lottie's coadjutor at once pounced upon her, and escorted, or rather dragged her to wh
le people, aware of Mrs. Rhamm's devotion to this ancient go
ou are not chairman of the committee, you ough
no compliment to tell a woman she's like
ng; you can't deny that; and I now move that you and the dom
ried by ac
raise the dominie's salary to a thousand a year. We all know, who kno
about. Strong popular movements are generally surprises, but the springs of united and generous action are ever within reach, if on