ployed a large number of day-laborers, farm servants, and kitchen-girls, whom the liveried servants treated with great disdain. The rustics, on their s
ants brought by Mademoiselle de Corandeuil. It was fortunate for them that their mistress liked large, vigorous men, and had chosen them f
nflame them. They fought for their colors the whole time; the Bergenheim livery was red, the Corandeuil green. There were two flags; ea
hool-teacher, nurse, and gardener, he had ended, when sixty years old, by falling back to the very point whence he started. He had no particular employment in M. de Bergenheim's house; he went on errands, cared for the gardens, and doctored the mules and horses; he was a tall man, about as much at ease in his clothing as a dry almond in its shell. A long, dark, yellow coat usually hung about the calves of his legs, which were covered with long, blue woollen stockings, a
s Banquo's ghost. Constance arose at sight of this fantastic figure, barked furiously and darted toward a pair of legs for which she seemed to share the irreverence of the liveried servants; but the texture of the blue stocking and the flesh which covered the tibia were rather too hard morsels for the dowager
d the old lady's heart and soften
id she, "lie down beside your mi
loor with reverential bows, and taking a
il, "who was sent to Remiremont yesterday? Did yo
I may have neglected some of them," replied the old man
then, what
well-bred orator, and, balancing himself upon
hould hunt to-day, and that the groom was to help Monsieur le Baron drive a wild boar out of the Corn
he butcher's!" exclaim
people call pork," said Rousselet, pronou
d Mademoiselle de Corandeuil.
for Mademoiselle, Madame, Monsieur le Baron, and on
you know that?" said the old aunt,
replied Clemence with a smile which se
uded her under lip, as much as to say
this questioning, began to speak in a quick tone
s out of the office, did you notice whether the wra
at this precise questioning, and it was with embarr
o the wrappers-I do not
you received them, you are the onl
ght, and, giving to his nut-cracker face the most
the chateau and they send me with them to the cure, I do not say-perhaps on my way-it is a recreation-and then the cure is Jean Bartou, son of Joseph Bartou, the tilemaker. But to
ough she herself in private did not speak of the plebeian priest in very respectful terms. But if Joseph Bartou
d by Pere Rousselet's harangue, and shook her
ned by you, or by some person to whom you have
hand behind his ears, a familiar gesture with people when
at La Fauconnerie, at th
"You know it is not intended that the servants in this house should frequent taverns and
wled Rousselet secretly; but, not daring to sh
down my parched throat. Whereupon Mademoiselle Reine-the daughter of Madame Gobillot, the landlady of the inn-Mademoiselle Reine asked me to allow her to look at the yellow-journal
ack in her chair and gave way to an access
ashmeres! Clemence, what do you say to that? You will see, she will be ordering her bonnets f
glance upon the old man, "was not the only one who looked at
ng their refection, and one of them wore a beard no longer than a goat's. Madame will pa
other y
as a lady's or mine. He was the one who held the jou
r breathing, and the bright flush which tinged her usually pale cheeks, would have denoted to an eye-witness one of those tempests of the heart, the physical manifestations of which are like those of a fever. The pale winter flower dying under the snow had suddenly raised it
a rather good education! But this is giving the affair more importance than it merits. Leonard Rousselet," said she, raising her voice as a judge does in court when pronouncing his charge, "you were wrong to let anything addressed to your master leave your hands. We wil
oyal presence, escorted by Constance acting as master of ceremonies. Not having calculated the distance, he had just
r characteristic features and several of the old portraits in the room; she wore a dark-brown riding-habit, a gray hat perched on one side, showing on the left a mass of very curly, bright blond hair. This
ble stroke; I made all! Mademoiselle, I have just beaten Christian two games; is it not glorious? He made only ei
me," replied the old man, with as gracious a smile as w
et," said Mademoiselle de Corandeu
ne, who was still dancing about the room, having seized her sist
t' to enter a room without greeting the persons who are in it, and to jump about
the pug dog, instead of replying, for she knew as well as Rousselet that it was t
aised against the object of her love, "do not soil this poor beast with your hands. W
ds, which were really a little daubed, and began to wipe them w
oice, "it is the blue chalk they rub the cue
confusion increased. "What a fine education for a young lady! and one who has just come from the 'Sacred Heart'! One that has taken five prizes not fifteen days ago! I reall
s no wrong in my playing a game of billiards with my brother; we have no billiards at the 'Sacred Heart,' and it is such fun! It
had been realized; for her small stature was her sole anxiety. But this glance was as quick as a flash, fo
is entirely disinterested; your amusements are not such as seem to me proper for a young girl of good birth. It may be possible that it is the fashion today, so I will say no more about it; but there is one thing more serious, upon which I should advise
not say, like Titus, "I have wasted my morning." She left the room with a majestic step, escorted by her dog and satisfi
myself, I know very well that if I am an old maid I shall try not to hurt others' feelings-I, inconsiderate! When she can think of nothing more to say, she scolds me about my cousin. It is hardly worth while, for what we w
seat herself in her lap, when the latte
she, in a listless tone; "are you going fo
ranged her veil, placed her hat on her head with a little more jaunty air, turned three quarters around to get a better view of her costume; in one word, she went through the coquettish movemen
ht that gray makes me look ugly. Do you not think so? Why do you not reply, Clemenc
me de Bergenheim, in order to give
s now; we will have a good gallop. Will you? I will help you put on your habit, and in five minutes you will
were to be heard. A servant was walking up and down the yard leading a large horse which he had just brought from the stable; the Baron was holding a smaller one, which b
use to go with
de Bergenheim, making an effort to speak; "I am s
kittish creature had the attraction of forbidden fruit, n
"we will enlist her with the hussars as soon a
up her skirt, and in a few moments was in the
her in the saddle as easily as he would a six-year-old child. Then he mounted his large horse, saluted his wife,
her room, took a shawl from her bed, and went rapidl