img Whisper of The Silence  /  Chapter 2 Second | 4.44%
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Chapter 2 Second

Word Count: 1918    |    Released on: 15/03/2021

g late. Only

on the air conditioning. A strong flow of cool air rushed

t notice

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den Mu

ed listening to when she was a kid,

background music. But

orners of her pearl-black eyes. The tip of her nose turned

he screamed at the top of her lu

er up in a move and put her on his ne

"Magicccc!!" she said. "I cast a spell, an


e put on an act to play along

me a house!

" She stuck o

h his muscular arms. "Don't wanna?! T

y teeth and sank

er! That's

ape as she watched her dad miss hi

he view in front of her to be transited back to the present, to the c

a thought that was ne

over brushed off the tears fro

halfway open with his right-tattooed leg dangling in the air. While keeping an eye on him, she

yle. Can you

. 'Where did I he

e horde. Nobody was bothered to make way for him. Sucking in his slightly chubby belly

to be nagging the idol for staying there for too long. But he was quick en

She scanned the van. It did look like a property belonged to someone of higher

thing right for

indering her movement. She didn't want to be arrested for breaking into other people's vehicles, nor did she want to be caught by the men in black. She was i

there-where and whe

s widened in shock, watching

n realize it, she wa

Kyle said as h

ulled down the black mask, resti

t gotten in witho

it out. Anyway, they've waited long hours just to see me, Brandon. It was natu


' she muttere

nging pain. Blood was leaking. The cuts around her wrists had gotten deeper, and a trace of metallic sme

get my backpack

!' She

ded his hand to

g her best to dodge his touch. She quickly grabbe

onto the slightest hope, she thought she would not get busted a

ame crashing dow

t the l

t en

d his hand further to the back and rummaged through the air. She kept pushing herself backward even though she had reac

led with fright a

andon. W

steering to the l

re?" Kyle tried to maintain his coolnes

es of the doors, checking if th

t in here? Are you some kind of

n't sure what Kyle was talking a

se don't call the police," she plea

out. "WHAT?!" He br

lance and fell onto Clover. Her stained coa

securing it from any great impact. None of them moved for the first f

honking at the back. He had to continue driving. "I'm gonna call the police,

elf out of his wrap. "J-Just drop me off somewhe

ands for a while before asking hi

as gone. This time, there was a slight warmt

but she was hes

YLE!" his manage

o hand you over to the police," he said, du

he shook her head. That wa

lip stuck in between the PVC yarns and twisted i

on TV. I'm sure it's not th

Kyle?" Brandon frowned. "You're gonna

he snapped. "Wit

ve," she

drew his face

the driver's seat, she added, "I needed to run away, Kyle. That was why I sneaked in

out asking for any further explanations, he continued dealing with the locks. Even the hot-tempered Brand

Indeed, as the manager of a rising superstar, he shouldn't let h

related to them, they shouldn


refully removing them away from her, so a

orry," he

aring at the bruises and fresh cuts o


d me to the police. They won't help me. The fact that I didn't go through any

pants. But when Kyle said nothing to assure her safety, the effort she put in

g." She choke

said you'

it, trouble has already s

his eyes from the rearview mirror to the wing mirror every three seconds. Another sharp turn. The van screeched and c

andle to stop himself f

's wr

gain. "I think we

blurted, turning h

tried to sound annoyed, but his energy

d when their faces hove into view, he

possible?" She collap

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