img The Hybrid King  /  Chapter 3 Two | 5.88%
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Chapter 3 Two

Word Count: 1162    |    Released on: 28/03/2021


fast as I could, though I w

aged to do it without opening it too wide, slipping out of it, then closing it enough fo

made me smile as I saw everything around me up close, I had alw

he shook his head at me and I quickly walked to the side walk and smiled as I watched the beautiful night sky, the lights, the different shops, couples, everythin

es and different pastries was coming out of the oven, an old woman and an old man taking them out together, they seemed to be a

elieved that love did not exist and was only in fairy tales or movies, but here I was witnessing one of the sim

and took a step back not really knowing what to tell the man, I have been watching him

ushed, though I did not feel cold, the night air having no

were big brown ones as he looked at me, gentleness like no other

the tables, and the display, but I had run out of the palace in such a hurry that I forgot to bring anything wi

p but smile at her kindness, looking at the couple, I couldn't understand why mother had always claimed

om outside the shop, and having smelled them up close, they just seemed to tingle a s

smiled at my reaction, amus

ate and marshmallows as the old woman brought a white plate with three hand sized cookies, these were the largest cookies that

oman's waist, pulling her closer to him, he kissed her temple and I couldn't help but admi

rdering cookies, others ordering brownies, drinks like coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, I smiled as I took a bite out of the chocola

r mid-thirties, the woman wore a red jacket which reached her mid-thigh and black jeans while the man wore a black leather jac

armly at me before nodding at the paying young pa

had lived in this kingdom my whole life and yet

whether or not to tell the truth, but if I did then they might report me to the palace, and if

momentarily forget him as she stared at the mysterious man, his aura said everything that meant confidence as he headed toward

ore turning to the old

d some of those cookie

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