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Reading History

Chapter 4 The Contract

Word Count: 1711    |    Released on: 29/03/2021


g me shy away from my

d reflective. The office is slightly warmer, manicured gardens consumed by small topiary line a gravel footpath up to the main doors. The other buildings a

are willing," Prior says, as I nervously slide out of the car, leaving t

no reception desk, no manicured lady or short sofas partnered with sleek coffee tables and lush green pot plants. Instead it's a blank room with charcoal coloure

e, not even bothered to glance over her shoulde

leads me into a square, closed off room with a large one way mirror I can't see behind. Someone is watching me on the other side. It sets the fine hairs on the back of my neck

myself, waiting patiently for Prior to inform me on what I'm here for. These people won't be pushed. They have an agenda that they will stick to, whether I press them or not. So I wait, rappin

or offers. I swallow nervously, glancing down at the words which jumble up in an utter mess

ll be placed in a sect to compete. There are four sects containing ten different people, who have been selected for the same programm

, however, the idea of going seems now repulsive. I don't expect to win, b

voice impassive and soft. My tact has change

willingly, seems absurd. Girls back at the institute used to gossip, saying they had seen them sneaking around, slinking through the shadows. Some would whisper that they knew one personally, or perhaps their long distance boyfriend was one. I alwa

ght smile, but I see some kind of sympathy there. Perhaps I should regret signing the first contract. Perhaps I should have pushed away. But no, I shouldn't have. Otherwise I would be living

she tells me, to which I strongly refrain from rolling my eyes. I should have seen that coming. I'm

gertips smearing across the metal table, whi

e may consult in if necessary. Those who inform and train you also have a say, although it's minor," Prior tel

the proces

compete against them. If you make it far enough, you can start compe

heard almost nothing about Kael other than whispered rumours and the uncommon television appearance, which would leave more qu

nated? Or anyone else?" I quest

university or secondary school selected you for their programme, you'll

above ground. Prior decides she had enough talking for the day, and with anticipation and fear in my stomach, I sign away at the contract, understanding that from here o

se staying in your room for tonight, your dinner will be brought up to you. We believe it helps those settle

main floor has a kitchen and dining area that reminds me of where I used to live. However, it's much more modern and I can practically see my reflection in th

ht. That doesn't seem like an issue, though, considering the fact that I can hear my own footsteps on the plush carpet. Prior finds my room and ushers me in, placing a key in my palm. It's

very basic, I notice, as I brush my fingers through the thick dust that rests upon th

o be eliminated last round," Prior tell


in. Good luck," she tells me, before she shuts the door behind her. I stand in the middle of the room, uncom

blind, which was what I was most afraid of. Falling back a fe

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