img Heroes Every Child Should Know  /  Chapter 5 ST. GEORGE | 23.81%
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Chapter 5 ST. GEORGE

Word Count: 1866    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

on of the oppressed whom we call St. George. His parents were Christians, and by

ce he was gifted with beauty of person, intelligence, and an exquisite courtesy, he rose rap

a voice saying, "The just who are on the earth keep me from telling the truth. By them the inspiration of the Sacred Tripod is made a lie." At once the Emperor was stricken with consterna

s friends had counselled silence and prudence. But George would have none. He knew, however, that he might be called upon to suffer at any time, and he hoped to do better work for the world

from a marsh neighbouring the town and had devoured all their flocks and herds. Already the monster had taken dwelling near the city walls, and at such distance the people had been able to keep him

rths of all the town. Every day two children were now given him. Each child taken was under the age of fifteen, and was chosen by lot. Thus it happened that

an unhappy death, the lot fell to this maiden, Cleodolinda. When her father, the King, heard his misfortune, in his despair he offered all the gold in the state treasury and even half his kingdom, to redeem the maid

ing in his palace unless he delivered the maiden to fulfil her lot. To such demands the King perforce submitted, and at last

asking his blessing and protesting she was ready to die for her people. Then amid tears and la

and painfully, for the road was strewn with the bones

htly journeying. He saw stretched before him the noisome path, and, moved to see so beautiful a maiden in tears, he checked his charge

ictim, "tarry not here lest you pe

lift my hand against this loathly thing, and I will deliver you

f flying and half crawling towards them. "Fly, I beseech you, bra

le and prolonged combat, pinned the mighty hulk to the earth with his lance. Then he called to the maiden to bring him her girdle. Wi

George called out to them saying, "Fear nothing. Only believe in Christ, through whose help I have con

e believed and such a lif

re to the knight. But all the rewards George distributed among the sick and necessit

all places people frequented, and those who read it read it with terror and hid their faces in despair. For it condemned all Christians. But St. George when he saw the writing was filled with ind

having heard from his proconsul Dacian that this young man deserved torture. "Liberty, sir, for the

with threatening looks, "think of

e within the dungeon the keepers threw him to the ground, put his feet in stocks and placed a stone of great weight upon his chest. But ev

who witness to the truth." And there appeared to him an angel brighter than the sun, clothed in a white robe, who stretched out a hand to embrace and encourage him

him into a cauldron of boiling lead, and when they believed they had subdued him by the force of his agonies, they brought h

y entreaties. But the great soldier refused to be judged by words, only by

s about to yield, ordered the Roman Senate and people to assemble in order that a

he said slowly, "Wouldst thou that I should offer thee sacrifices as to a god?" The demon who was in the statue made answer, "I am not God. There is but one God and Christ is his greatest prophet." At that very hour were heard horrible wailing sounds co

he Emperor that he must rid himself of so potent a magician and cut off

to the place of execution, and there, bending his neck to the sword of the executioner and

of Christendom, a model of courage, a brave interceder for the oppressed, an

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