img THE HOMELESS BILLIONAIRE  /  Chapter 3 2 | 2.22%
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Chapter 3 2

Word Count: 1158    |    Released on: 22/04/2021

ged the next woman that crossed the stre

thout a sideways glance

rate. I have no choice, I have to go to where men are dri

closed at the dre

a wall. Not no

d. He's a

othes. Mustache covered half of his face. Like me, he

rry...!" My voice was

trong arm caught on my coat. Frightened,

y but he didn't release hi

r...why will a d

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *

* * * * *

oice hoarse and scratch like gravel. Sounds l

why this drunkard with filthy clothes will help me, inste

uch!" My relief so profoun

loud on the cool pavement. He snapped his head to the sky, swung the

he kind drunkard. I tightened my arm around my baby, shaking my h

y coat closer to my face to cover h

earest store, ignoring the quizzical eyes t

d my baby and I've e

in one place for a long tim


aining from the money an older woman gave me last night. I've lost tr

reathe without feeling pains. My wh

I walked without a destination. I

ared that my leg will give out. I'm on the road and I can't

eep walking


need ano

ely clear. Hell, I'm starting to think. I'm not suppo

e poor light of the evening a girl at the other side of the ro

with the baby.

eyes huge splashes of darkness and fear. She was trembling real hard with h

Valleyland and I see her ag

un? Who begs on the street at su

ded again. I have two

a beer an

to buy a new bottle that'

and groaning as it burned down my throat. I just

Even in her fall, she still held the bundled ba

turned to keep walking but somehow, I c

ce myself. I just took a step forward when t


aid, then he lowered his voice. "Let's get her to

I took anothet step forward, determined

go." The first m

them. They were already trying

for the words to come out s

pid drunkard. Better be

an't stand where I'm standing. Or speak when I'm s

really really don't want to fight this two be

s a baby? Leave her a

d. Help me let's lift h

g the both of them, leaving them al

me managed to beat them to stupor and send t

to know about me. Even if

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