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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1415    |    Released on: 07/06/2021

Colt could tell she was still crying

lass cup. He picked up the cup and approached the lady. He saw that she had already

looking into her eyes sincerely. From all that he heard fr

ook he

ng up for him," Colt said

once. A slap on my right cheek. We had a heated argument then and he ap

nd not the other way around. Do

rough for him every time. You can abuse me for being dum

breaks. It hurts like hell but all the same, you need to move

ke you feel better." H

ed down all its content at a go. It really did help. The taste o

ing at me like th

now. Is that how easily you trust people? Are you sure you weren't sent by someone to ruin me? If you must know, I don't t

e you that no one sent me to ruin you. All that I said wasn't made up. If you want, we can go to the resta

I have few friends. I just have a good feeling about you. A

ld you to love Chris.

h him. I didn't even think twice before agreeing to date him. I did

you have gone through but I don't think I can be of help. You are angry and it's right for you t

gs and I promise you that this is not about getting revenge against him. I'm doing this for me. To pr

n't want to. I'm only seeking a chance to pleasure you. We don't have to be i

me but he realized that he didn't even know her name. She guessed he want

. That being said, it's normal for you

prove to myself that I'm capable of satisfying my man and that Chris is nothing but

over his face. "Please don't do

I'm not going to regret

t be me?" H

throom for a good cry. From there, I proceeded to the bar on the third floor to get wasted a

there was a party going on on the fourth floor. I had t

'm not a slut. This is just something I want to do to get my confidence back. You weren't supposed to see me staring at you. I was still th

rue that I don't know you but your looks attracted me to you and the fact that we will

I'm not attracted to

me not quite long." She whispered

tracted to you." He said, tak

. She could tell he was lying. The w

ght regret all of her decisions by Tomorrow morning but she didn't want to dwell on that. She wanted to break boundaries tonight even though it meant being petty and putti

mount was clearly a slap on his face concerning his financial status but then, he couldn't

ave on me." She

n't give you what you want. You're desperate and wou

me. Thanks for your time." With one last stare at him, she reached for her purse on the table and made her way to the door. Mia was about to rea



Chapter 1 One Chapter 2 Two Chapter 3 Three Chapter 4 Four Chapter 5 Five Chapter 6 Six
Chapter 7 Seven
Chapter 8 Eight
Chapter 9 Nine
Chapter 10 Ten
Chapter 11 Eleven
Chapter 12 Twelve
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen
Chapter 15 Fifteen
Chapter 16 Sixteen
Chapter 17 Seventeen
Chapter 18 Eighteen
Chapter 19 Nineteen
Chapter 20 Twenty
Chapter 21 Twenty One
Chapter 22 Twenty Two
Chapter 23 Twenty Three
Chapter 24 Twenty Four
Chapter 25 Twenty Five
Chapter 26 Twenty Six
Chapter 27 Twenty Seven
Chapter 28 Twenty Eight
Chapter 29 Twenty Nine
Chapter 30 Thirty
Chapter 31 Thirty One
Chapter 32 Thirty Two
Chapter 33 Thirty Three
Chapter 34 Thirty Four
Chapter 35 Thirty Five
Chapter 36 Thirty Six
Chapter 37 Thirty Seven
Chapter 38 Thirty Eight
Chapter 39 Thirty Nine
Chapter 40 Forty
Chapter 41 Forty One
Chapter 42 Forty Two
Chapter 43 Forty Three
Chapter 44 Forty Four
Chapter 45 Forty Five
Chapter 46 Forty Six
Chapter 47 Forty Seven
Chapter 48 Forty Eight
Chapter 49 Forty Nine
Chapter 50 Fifty
Chapter 51 Fifty One
Chapter 52 Fifty Two
Chapter 53 Fifty Three
Chapter 54 Fifty Four
Chapter 55 Fifty Five
Chapter 56 Fifty Six
Chapter 57 Fifty Seven
Chapter 58 Fifty Eight
Chapter 59 Fifty Nine
Chapter 60 Sixty
Chapter 61 Sixty One
Chapter 62 Sixty Two
Chapter 63 Sixty Three
Chapter 64 Sixty Four
Chapter 65 Sixty Five
Chapter 66 Sixty Six
Chapter 67 Sixty Seven
Chapter 68 Sixty Eight
Chapter 69 Sixty Nine
Chapter 70 Seventy
Chapter 71 Seventy One
Chapter 72 Seventy Two
Chapter 73 Seventy Three
Chapter 74 Seventy Four
Chapter 75 Seventy Five
Chapter 76 Seventy Six
Chapter 77 Seventy Seven
Chapter 78 Seventy Eight
Chapter 79 Seventy Nine
Chapter 80 Eighty
Chapter 81 Eighty One
Chapter 82 Eighty Two
Chapter 83 Eighty Three
Chapter 84 Eighty Four
Chapter 85 Eighty Five
Chapter 86 Eighty Six
Chapter 87 Eighty Seven
Chapter 88 Eighty Eight
Chapter 89 Eighty Nine
Chapter 90 Ninety
Chapter 91 Ninety One
Chapter 92 Ninety Two
Chapter 93 Ninety Three
Chapter 94 Ninety Four
Chapter 95 Ninety Five
Chapter 96 Ninety Six
Chapter 97 Ninety Seven
Chapter 98 Ninety Eight
Chapter 99 Ninety Nine
Chapter 100 One Hundred
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