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Chapter 7 The CEO'S bed WARMER

Word Count: 1331    |    Released on: 28/06/2021


brainac or Autho

ur concerns "??,

't started at all, he concluded m

unless you tell me who that

d moving towards me again , he tou

ight away , I said

trol me , " who do you think you are ", you aren

to lose interest in you , " now get out of my office "!!!!, But you should know that

he said as he dragged her out of h

half exposed, she adjusts her clothin

Tracy on her seat, Tracy on seeing her k

one and pretend to

hink she's a jelly fish but when She first came here, she is this, she is that, Tracy, you are sa

ter as she mimicking Be


a away because she w

I can't call Tracy, her

st slipped off when

ll have to blackmail her to open her legs for me, she is the reason

e reception office , I pray Tracy hasn't left when Bella sends

stant right now , I yelled on the p

, she said, " bitch!!!!, I swear,

re in 20 seconds, if she's late, count yourself sacked and I don't want

seriously boiling with anger, my lower

I heard a knock, i a

as she quic

king at the ground , " ye!!!!!, won't

face , " how dare you look at my fa

, "is there something on your face

her lips, waoh!!!, She got a nice lips, I Wish I could just rush

r do it yourself ", she said, I was astonished , did she just

nal trainer to the CEO can mop, why can't you

d, " sir,you haven't sho

e , why can't the personal assistant to the CEO find it, I

Find your office yourself ,and bring me the file 34 w

, " I cut her with a


t him his coffee, I

roduce me to other staffs or likely my office w

his personal assistant, not his maid that i

ut I can't, it's every one dream to work here beca

ds the elevator, the elevator opened , a lady step do

I am like them riding in different Cars, she d

t on Seat, she smiles

racia but you can call me Tracy, that is w

autiful girl but

isn't giving you too much trouble , he can be gobble and Rude sometimes

e where can I get the coffee, t

ee the coffee machine ",she said, " th

chine , took the mug a

r he prefers his coffee

says, I took the coffee pass the reception office, Tra

ed, no response, I don't want to get int

o his table, I was shocked, that lady, the one I meet at the eleva

brainac or Autho



Chapter 1 The CEO'S BED WARMER Chapter 2 THE CEO'S BED WARMER Chapter 3 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 4 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 5 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 6 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 7 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 8 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 9 The CEO'S bed WARMER Chapter 10 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 11 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 12 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 13 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 14 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 15 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 16 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 17 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 18 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 19 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 20 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 21 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 22 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 23 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 24 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 25 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 26 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 27 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 28 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 29 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 30 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 31 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 32 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 33 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 34 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 35 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 36 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 37 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 38 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 39 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 40 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 41 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 42 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 43 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 44 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 45 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 46 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 47 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 48 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 49 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 50 The CEO'S bed WARMER
Chapter 51 The CEO'S bed WARMER
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