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To betray the Mafia King

To betray the Mafia King

Author: Suzangill
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Chapter 1 Love kills

Word Count: 815    |    Released on: 12/06/2021


kill anyo

me to replace thi


house at outsk


stared at her

e passed making her m

ed to match hi

r his coldness she wished for heavens



ng her his long slender finge

st one reason why I should not empty these

pressed to her temple, mak

her, intensifying the

d her between the wall and his body, with


er flinch and press hers

t as she refused to look b

f getting unleashed, her sil

om her temple to her chin, his

in and tilt her face up

t one reason and you ar

few degrees lower as

t in his voice to be only cov

ause I love you,

e any further when s

ungs as he suddenly moved

r relief but his eyes...


ad fall back and he lau

und to find others l

guys? This cagna here

g a joke of

d publically degraded her m

..please I

ow enough for o

heard them, they w

ressed onto the wall, this tim

don't you dare

like a f

ld back the tears that

r, her trembling fingers progre

fingers touched hi

d her wrists in his deadly grip and

me with your disgust

topped and her

es was something sh

ous for his calm

eadly disaster stan

ody with a gentleness that no man has

sh when earlier they treated he

true Vince will be dead

n to not kill you

lling to a

down any second without

me she look

han usual and those black orbs

change...I have and

e out stronge

n her teary eyes, she laid her heart open

for few seconds to be f

eyes narrowed, he pulled down

rong answe

muzzle made her cl

from the hands of he

ing she could feel as she takes her

who betrays and

e path of her tears and sh

yed me of



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