erous or malicious but you never know, I informed my mother where I was going just to be sure, the usual commotion of the district was at its peak, it was odd as I approach the direction of the store
no problem with a few praises he seems like a fan", "my art isn´t that good, I just like to snap the perfect shot you know", "I know what you mean girl, so let me guess, would you be interested in my cameras maybe?" Olivia said while bringing a finger to her chin "yeah a new old camera sounds right up my ally, can I ask for the cross of the Shepherd bought too?" we walked a little bit while Olivia explained, "Ah yes, the cross dear old Shepard bought was made from Damascus steel do you know what that is?" I shocked my head in confusion "I don't think I can spell that out", "don't worry dear, that steal is said to be the one Christ´s nails were made form", "isn't that like super expensive?", "not really, I just so happen to have a cross made form the material, it's not rear or anything, here we are my cameras", because of the conversation I didn't notice the cameras at first glance they were dozens adorning the walls, form polaroid's to newer models a camera in a tripod that needed 30 minutes to take a picture "wow, I have never seen so many", "take a look, I'm sure you will find something for you here" I looked around the cameras all the lenses all the models "may... may I try some pleas", "go right ahead, not all of them have film or memory but you can try them as much as you like", Olivia gave me a warm smile I must have looked like a little kid in a candy store but I couldn't help it photography has a special place in my heart me and my dad used to go out and take pictures together, when he passed the feeling was different, when he was around taking pictures was fun and happy, now its I don't know I still have fun sometimes but it feels sorrowful I wish my dad could see my pictures the only one I