I don't feel like arguing today over my brother. Hi, honey what's up? Hi Jamie, are you coming home today? I promised Billy we can hang out tonight. Why what's going on? Jamie, you ne
Billy Jamie will not be here tonight or never again do we make ourselves clear Billy? Yes, Priscilla and missy. They walked away and I slammed my door closed and called Josh. Josh, I need heavy shit man. I gotcha Billy I'm on my way. About 20minutes later Josh comes with my stuff. Let me guess your sister and missy pissed you off about Jamie? Yes, they don't want Jamie around me. Mane don't let them get to you. I walked away and went into the house. 27 minutes later I'm feeling good, everything is calm then everything goes black. I drove as fast as I can to Billy's because I know they pissed him off and he would call Josh to bring his fix. I got to run inside and I was too late. Billy is high and barely breathing. I called Jake and Jess for help. They are here any time. JAMIE!!! In the living room what happened. Priscilla and Missy happened; they pissed him off where he needed his fix. Help me get him to the hospital. Okay, let's go. Jamie, what do they say to Billy to get him this pissed? I don't know Jake but I know it wasn't good or else he wouldn't call josh. We made it to the hospital and the doctor took him fast. I called Missy and Priscilla and asked WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TWO SAY TO BILLY!