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Reading History

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 567    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

taught to read, and had, of course, in the society in which he lived, seen much of the en

ss of his nature upon all occasions, there now appeared, in most of his inquiries and remarks, a something which demonstrated either a stupid or

ed with his coachman, and hearing

never drive

is eyes fixed in the deepest contemplation) repeat

never drive

never drive

him. "What do you mean by

ind out what you

. "Richard is turned away; he is never to get upon

ained sometimes very hard when he was on the box; and sometimes Lady Clementina h

lied youn


is cousin with a

say to him, as a punish

father's negligence has been inexcusable. There are in society," con

re the rich

rved by t

he poor would

ey must

ted to live only upon conditio

f it were, they will be rewarde

better world

e you do not k

world to come; but he stopped short, and sai

ll go after death; and there no distinction will be made

ter world than this. But cannot thi

on a level, it is utterly impossi

istinction to be made, and

gan to think his brother in the right, and that the boy

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