some of the soldiers that came with me on the plane here. JAKE WHERE ARE YOU!? JAMES OVER HERE!! I run as fast as I can with all the bullets flying left to right. I managed to get to him. Whe
go home to their families but now I'm the one going home to tell their families Sir, are you ready to go home? Yes, get me out of this hell hole. When I got off the plane I saw all the people that died. I dropped to my knees and cried for all the people that are no longer here with us. I saw the families cry. I hugged them and I said I was sorry for their loss and told them the last words their loved ones said. When I saw Jake's wife she already knew what I was going to say. James did he go out with a smile? All I could say was that he was at peace and he smiled. Then she said thank you for coming back alive to tell me. He never stopped talking about you. Thank you if you ever need anything please call I'm always here for you Tessa. Thank you James. I gave her a hug and went to Jake's casket. Jake you will be missed but never forgotten. Then I went to m