img Mated by mistake  /  Chapter 4 Confession | 9.30%
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Chapter 4 Confession

Word Count: 1361    |    Released on: 16/07/2021

's hand and brought her

o start." Then she turned

But why is he looking at us? Do yo

s an Alpha and much older than us, but he is nice." Roselie said while primmin

od in front of him with an open ancient-looking scroll. Chris held a golden goblet on the same level as hi

y the ancient bonding words, "The holy moon watches over us, protects us, cares for us and saves us. The holy moon chooses her warriors, her saviour of peace. The holy moon chooses our leader an

Reynolds, swear by the Luna, and by drinking of this blessed wine, to be the

, and then rolled over to show their bellies in submission. The coronation ceremony


, arranged for the feast. Their mothers had given them a strict warning to st

ould be his mate," Melissa s

th him? We might bag us a

n odd sort of jealousy whenever she spotted Chris with other females. Like right now he was sitting with Lisa, the daughter of Alpha Richard Dawson of the Hanlon

you think they are m

t. We don't know if he has found it yet, but I hop

ould be a disaster

He often hung around with his friends doing cool young adult stuff which Roselie was

ry to hang out with you, that a

as referring to her!

her stop. Besides, you follow me around

then pouted prettily, leaning on Chris's shoulder. "I'm

he bit out, "what my pack members do is none of your busi

bvious snub to Lisa and his defe

tle at the non-committing gesture, but she smoothed it back out a

of all Lisa I never implied we were getting mated

deal with the cruel and uptight Lisa for the rest of her life. Dec

g back at the chaos that ensued after Chris's rebuke. Lisa

of Lisa friends holding onto her. Chris's friend roll

ds her home. Roselie stopped and turned to face her Alpha.

tiful as always," Chris sa

d thanks, unaware that he w

he took her hand, she loo

ething I need

and looked away r

are my

ad looking down and away. Not able to process this sh

u are the Alpha....the council won

t the day I turned 18. My wolf knows, but...

into place before saying with a defeated laugh, "Honestly I di

were getting and how hot you'd be when you got older and I

e ever told me I was cute or at least showed me that

Well I kind of told them all to stay away from you. Every time

o wait till you turn 18. You will know then. I don't want you to feel obligated to respond just so you don

ng to process all that was going on. She knew he was right, even though she wa

see what her feelings would settle into with this new development. She always had a crush on him. But being mates was completely

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