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Chapter 7 A Note from the Autor

Word Count: 374    |    Released on: 31/07/2021

world-famous for its whorehouse of ill representatives. When breaking news hit our

deotape of a young of 4 or 5 years of age girl who had sexually assaulted i

ve years later; "We found the victim. She's safe," Nye County sheriff's Detective

rafficking, and murder within the Academy 's walls and on its grounds, even though human trafficking is a foul, very dark subject, the mo

riller. The two main(Audra and Ashbrook) are well constructed and carry the story well. The plot and storyline are clear. The reader can see from th

as they start to get sexual desires. There is an element of excitement and danger with an older man with power. Audra knew that Ashbrook is a criminal, and their relatio

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