img Prince Zilah -- Volume 3  /  Chapter 9 THE DUEL | 90.00%
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Chapter 9 THE DUEL

Word Count: 2283    |    Released on: 29/11/2017


Prince; and, trembling like a leaf, with her face still turned toward that

there? W

o believe his eyes, adva


t the victim of some illusion, and where Menko could be, that Menko wh

upon the Prince, as she leaned against the marble of the mantelpiece to prevent herself from falling, but long

rhely at last. "You

one whom I expected to

as it,

el Me

ely turned

; she was lookin

ely, shortly. "It was to announce that

arian, and upon Marsa, who stood there pet

peated Zil

killed him," r

im. Pale as death, he turned from Varhely to the Tzigana, w

on her, her thoughts being no longer there, but her whole heart being concentrated upon the being who had despised her, hated her, fled from

hat man breathed. First of all, I came to her to tell her that she was delivered from a detested past. Tomorrow

Varhely spoke these words like a j

h's face. He felt as if some horrible


who had been injured by him was perhaps the one who gave a pitying thought to the dead, the old soldier remaining as i


sent from Florence, three days before, to the Princess

e Prince, and Andr

l be at Maisons-Lafitte, or I shall be dead. I fight tomorrow with

spatch before going to keep hi


at they were to fight i

braiding straw hats, laughe

m called o

our sweethearts, signo

l drawn over his head so that only his eyes could be seen, who, holding o

ok, and dropped in the bo


f no con

round, and the second

sion of Yanski to s

" said

with folded arms and lowered eyes, w

e, but not to insult the Prince. I give you my word of honor that thi



k their

as to give the

es fixed upon the two adversaries, who were placed opposite each other, with th

nless as if made of

o!" coun

if to take

e of a man pronouncing a death- s

reports in qu

ball had cut a branch above his head, and t

ck, his hand presse

him, seized him under the

" he said. "It

he cried, in a voice whic

r your p

ball had entered his bre

the grass, with his

s, gazing, perhaps, into the infi

ate names, confused words:

econds, again passed the straw-wo

her friends? Have they f

ay, foolish laughter of youth and health, over yonder


ntrol, listened to his old friend relate this

there was now nothing, nothing but a phantom. The other had paid his debt with his life. Th

s gave her a strange and powerful attraction; and, in the manner in which Andras regarded her,

ment in reflection, and then

with a smile radiant with the joy of a recovered pride, she held out her hand to Yanski, and, in a voice in which th

k you,

passed out of the room, c

f torture, anguish, and despair, wer

t was one of flight. H

Perhaps. Perhaps

arsa, and in two ste

makes a last appeal for mercy, with a feeble, despairing cry like that of a chil

ore you, li

s sto

u to say to m

once more; forgive me, and let me disappear; but, at least, car

said Andras; "but I

et-yes, one does forget, one does forget, I know it. You are the only thing in

oved to the depths of his being by the to

loodshed to destroy tha

ned for it! There is n

ho came across your path

e, my Go

worshipping eyes, as be

and that love was you. If you had told him of your sufferings, and confessed your secret, he would have

at lie! Would to heaven that some one would

nd upon the lips of this daughter of the puszta, Hungarian and Russi

w, and I can not shed my blood for you. I will sacrifice my life in another manner, obscurely, in the shadows of a cloister. I shall have had neither lover nor husband, I shall be nothing, a recluse, a prisoner. It will be well! yes, for me, the prison, the cell


ild excitement, a longing for s

u wish to enter a conven

I shall carry, with your condemnation and farewell, th

ne of Marsa's separation from the world; he could hear the voice of the officiating bishop casting the cruel words upon the

Mater Dolorosa. All his love surged up in his heart, and a wild temptation assailed h

asking nothing but pardon-a word, a single word of pity-

the convent cell, the pris

fies me except

Paris, far from the wor

vedriver; breaking stones, begging my bread,

Live buried in our Hungary, forgetting, forgotten, hidden, unknown, away from all, away from P

, terrified eyes, believing hi

d straining her to his breast, his burning lips seeking t

e word fell on

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