before Polly was awake, she would lie with wide open eyes, gazing around the lovely room, and missing the dear voices that always greeted her so cheerily. At twilight, whe
t she must be a bright
father and mo
s together. Polly and Rose she had played with at the shore in the Summer, and at the children's party t
mph," as they had called her, and now
far, had shown no interest in Polly
, and her playmates, but she h
look across to Sherwood Hall
y friends, and she longed to join them. She had
e reason why she enjoyed playing with Sprite was beca
ifference" that
eclared that little
she sat swinging her feet, and
's a
t at the entrance to the driveway, and watc
ever since the first day that she arrived at
come into my garden. I'd like to have her all to m
when she was quite alone. Anyone wh
re aware that she told very large sto
chose. Luck favored her, for she had sat on the great post bu
lled with flowers, w
r blossoms, and did not no
ou a shi
gallantly o
p within
e be bags
ling gem
all f
art cries
from o'e
g gems for me, n
er have
m all el
I'd nev
more th
urt cared little for music. Her only thought was to startle Sprite. With this delightful thought in her mind, she waited until Sprite w
she cried, as Gwen peeped i
'!" she cried, then-"Here!
s from the sidewalk, and thrusting
Come in. I want to kn
. What's
aford," was the
rt. Rather grand, isn't it?" Gwen asked, he
rite Seaford," s
d a middle name?" said
nk I care,"
ised that Sprite seem
and I'll show you something I
ed to go, Gwen grasped her arm, and li
rose bushes
ut they had much as, oh, I guess a h
k of surprise, she decid
it," she said. "Papa paid twenty dollars a piece for th
made no
ould do, and what do you s'pose? After it had been there 'bout a month I dug it up, and there were roses on it! It had blossomed down in the d
traight into Gwen's bold blue ones. "
then, without waiting for a reply she caught Spri
pictures," she said, pointing to the
heir quaint gowns of stiff brocade, and at the
d, "and are they portraits of peop
en, "and I'll tell
eat aunt Nora, and that man in the yell
reat aunt Nina, and that young girl
forgotten who that next one is, but the next lady's name was Jemima, and the one in yellow silk was Elvira, and the o
and worse the farther you go
the first picture, this one of the lady with the dog i
said Sprite, "but didn't they
Gwen replied, "but come and see this por
id Sprite, "I've neve
looked straight into Sprite Seaford's eyes, and nodding as s
a portra
clared Gwen. "Do you dare to
but the sea captain's lit
e, and your hair is light, while the little girl in
asn't been that color, some tim
have brown hair and have it turn light yellow, and I don't believe brown
e was very angry, but she d
to be willing to play with her, so she only repeate
ned toward
looking for me," she
ne she remembered something that s
the portraits," she said. "I
"I wish I hadn't, 'cause you don't
a little girl who wore lovely frocks, and lived in a handsome house was willing to b
d fixed up for a house, but mother never let me speak like t
the avenue, Gwen
ite said, with
ed Gwen. "All I'll say is: 'Th
to a shriek, and s
lly disgusted,
Sprite running away from the house, jus
, "What a pity that of
t one really u
handsome face, and wondered how any intelligent
, "that she is easily excited, and she's so very sen
her little friends patiently, and thus
to understand how fine, how extremely sensiti
he stairs, stamping on every s
erself down on a chair near the window, a fr
bent over her, kissing her flushed face, and
ed to know her, I mean I thought I did, but now I don't. I brought her in to see the portraits
. Of course it really wasn't a portrait of me,
able to understand your wonderful imagination. The child was absurd to go o
ght her perfect, ran from the room, and down to the garde
from the rear wind
ward the house, she was trying to see if it wou
truck at her, missing howev
hey's no person handy fer yez ter pester, thin
ched Gwen in silence,
untain basin. Sure I'll hov ter shpake ter her
the window
n off'n there, 'fore ye
utrageous face, thus givi
, but Gwen only giggled and r