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Sandra Belloni -- Volume 4

Sandra Belloni -- Volume 4

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Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 3372    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

of his old after-theatre night carouses by listening to a song which Emilia sang to him, while he sipp

ld fellow; I ought to know I've got a grown-up son and grown-up daughters. I shall be a grandpa, soon, I dare say. It's not the thing for me

m, and dropped on one

boy. And my brandy-and-water,

a looked up at

r you. You shall make my house your home as long as you live; and if I say, make haste and get


e nodded to right and left like a man who silenced a host of invisible logicians, urging this and that-"you're a plea

e it depends upo

m. We needn't take 'em in a lump: how about the doctor? I'll se


milia's voice sounded one low chord a

erchant patted her; "I'm no

r h

cation. He dashed his handkerchief over his forehead, repeating: "His? Break

before him, eyeing him wit

heart is in mine. He has

rved Mr. Pole; "but he seems a deuced

ve Wi

o her, long after the words had been utt

son?" he crie

s my

. My dear child," he turned to Emilia, "if you've got any notion about my son Wilfrid, you must root it up as quick as you can. If he's been behavin

tried to hold his hand, as he was passing, but he said: "There, my chi

be angry with hi

tell you, I'd rather fifty times the fellow had deceived me.

and would die fo

married to a lady of title. I have his word-his oath. He got near a thousand pounds out of my pocket the other day on that understanding. I don't speak about the

lover," sa

id. "Pardon him. He feared to offend you, because you are his father, and he thought I might not quite please you. For, he loves me. He has loved me from the first moment he s

t were on him. Interjecting half-formed phrases, and now and then staring at Emilia, as at an incomp

marry Lady Charlotte Ch

ion. The infernal scamp

nd pounds only the oth

Lady Charlotte

with a most perplexing smile. S

l, and must, and in a

mile on Emilia's face c

make him,

beggar, if

eep him wit

derly, and the lips were but softly closed. The heaving of the bosom, though weighty, was regular: the hands hung straight down, and were open. She looked harmless; but his physical appr

athing quietly, s

l sit down, and see, and talk-see what can be

ly murmured, and it cost

listen, all irritation having apparently left him, under the influence

le wore an aspect of distress. This creature's utter unlikeness to the girls he was accustomed to, corroborated his personal view of the case, that Wilfrid certainly could not have been serious, and that she was deluded. But he pitied her, for he had sufficient imagination to prevent him from despising what he did not altogether comprehend. So, to fortify the damsel, he gave h

atient heed t

hen he had finished; "for my lov

t to have everything you want at starting? There, my child- but, upon my honour! a man loses his temper at having to talk for an hour or so, and no result. You must go to bed; and-do you say your prayers? Well! that's one way of getting out of it-pray that you may forget all about what's not good for you. Why, you're almost like a young man, when you set your mind on a thing. Bad! won't do! Say your prayers regularly. And, please,

ssociated with Emilia's voice, made him entreat her to be silent. After a space, he breathed a long breath of relief, saying: "No, no; you're firm enough

ning had come or gone. Intensely she looked her misery in the face; and it was as a voice that said, "No sun: never sun any more," to her. But a blue-hued moon slipped from among the clouds, and hung in the black outstretched fingers of the tree of darkness, fronting troubled waters. "This is thy light for ever! thou

se him!" The dry

ole, who had previously dreaded supplication and appeal

ilfrid's. What would our last thoughts have been? We could not have forgiven you. Take up dead birds killed by frost. You cry: Cruel winter! murdering cold! But I knew better. You are Wilfrid's father, whom I can kneel to. My lover's father! my own father!

orce that he absolutely had dread of her. He gasped, and felt at his heart, and then at his pulse; rubbed the

s now a little bewildered to see him trotting the room, frowning and blinking, and feeling at one wrist, at momentary pauses,

y dear lover that you bless us both, and that w

ated Mr. Pole. "Come, c

dles. And let's be of


ve played the devil with mine. Who'd ever have made me believe that I should feel more at ease

her. There was something deliciously soothing and

girl," said he, when

rejoined, "wi

f you go on like this

any tragic meaning in his words

nto her ears: and, with a notion of there being a foreign element

s clear

us," said Emilia, with

is previous explanation. His eyes met Emilia's, gravely wide

antel-piece and leaned hi

som began t

tle burst; and then a louder one, followed by a full-toned

all the while into the glass. "Why can't we live in pea

ht that he was p

ight it,"

glass, he listened with a shrouded face for her movements: sayi

h seemed to syllable distinctly:

had a prophetic physical warning now that to witness pai

hed a low, "

kind heart as the music of her 'good night' penetrated to it by thrilling avenues, he ad

now you will not sta

aid Mr. Pole, still ke

o go through this scene on the morrow, he continue

. Turning round, he faced her; the light of the c

ep for you if

sist upon your going to bed. Why

ing nerves; and he thought that it would be well to propitiate he

fond of you;-blame circumstances, not me." Then he murmured: "Are black spot

. "You come between us, sir

chance to make his hit now." M

ou who can pray? Can you ever have good dreams? I saved my father from the sin, by leaving him. He wished to sell me. But my poor father ha

ng forward to a night of sleep as a cure for the evil sensations besetting him-his only chance. The chance was going; and with the knowledge that it was

a beggar then. I'm ruined. I shan't have a penny. I'm in a workhouse. They are in g

is features and the tones of his voice, while he was uttering that sharp, succinct confession; so that, strange as it sounded, every sentence fixed itself on her with incontrovertible force, and

sleep?' see

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