img Sandra Belloni -- Volume 5  /  Chapter 5 5 | 83.33%
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Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 3727    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

! I have

d to everything as she desired to be. Here, a great strange old oak spread out its arms and seemed to hold the hurrying train a minute. When gone by, Emilia thought of it as a friend, and that there, there, was the shelter and thick darkness she had hoped she might be flying to. Or the reach of a stream was seen, and in the middle of it one fair group o

suffered most, so that it could recall no images of what had happened, but lay against its black corner a shuddering bundle of nerves. The varying fields and woods and waters offering themselves to her in the swiftness, were as wine dashed to her lips, which could not be dead to it. The wish to be of some worth began a painful quickening movement. At first she could have sobbed with the keen anguish that inst

eing continued until it seemed that Emilia was lifted through the fiery c

gerness to feel herself possessor of something. Wilfrid had appeared to her to have taken all from her, until

te to Wilfrid's reason for calling her down to Devon that he might renounce and abandon her. She wanted a reason to make him in harmony with his acts, and she could get none. This made the world look black to her. But, "I have

d a remark: "We're going at a

he could not comprehend how. Remembering presently that she had not answered him

market. They can't put on steam too st

he skirts of red vapour were visible, and when the guard took poor Braintop's return-ticket from her petulant hand, all of the journey that she bore in mind was the sight of a but

slower and slower. By degrees the tune grew dull, and jarred; and then Emilia looked out on the cold grey skies of our autumn, the rain and the fogs, and roaring London filled her ears. So had ended a dream, she thought. She would stand at the window listening

where, with Madame attendant on her, she sat counting the leaves as each one curved, and slid, and spun to earth, or on a gust of air hosts went aloft; but it always ended in their coming down; Emilia verified that fact repeatedly. However high they flew, the ground awaited them. Madame entertained her with talk o

nds and talked, while Madame zealously eyed any chance person promenading the neighbourhood. She wrote for instructions concerning this gentleman calling himself Sir Purcell Barrett, and receiving them, she permitted Emilia to invite him t

y was in his grand scale of sorrow. He came to the house and met them in the gardens frequently. With some perversity he would analyze to herself Emilia's spirit of hope, partly perhaps for the sake of probing

ng, at the end of one of their arguments, as he cour

the grave gentle

he does, if I had not my voice." Seeing that

id not weep, but practically suggested his favourable chances, which it was a sad satisfaction to him to prove baseless, and to knock utterly over. The grief in which the soul of a human creature is persistently seeking (since it cannot be thrown off) to clot

really had nothing of the aspect of a lovesick young lady, and was not a bit sea-green to view, or lamentable in tone. He was sufficiently humane to have felt for anyone suffering, and the proof of it is, that the only creature he saw under

you?" said Emil

in her, she doe

e loves you?-that sh

s I am

you belong to me!'-I would say that; and never let go her hand. That would decide everything. She mus

t lost him; and she said, "Yes; now, as I am now, he can abandon me:" but how if he should see her and hear her in that hushed hour when she was to stand as a star before men? Emilia flushed and trembled. She lived vividly though her far-projected sensations, until truly pity for Wilfrid was active in her bosom, sh

ing, I will sing to y

der a rope' bo

if you like,

t sadness more musica

is more grac

Arts, were brought forward in mournful arr

ts, and birds, and all things of nature that rejo

spoke with Cornelia, and with a sense of infinite misery, he compressed the apt distinction that he had in his mi

uttered to a soul," he

ied what belon

and dwell on such and such a note for any length of time;" but she would not call up her voice; she would not look at her treasure. It seemed more to her, untouched; and went on doubling its worth,

offender in her sight. She had said to him entreatingly, "Do not come," when he volunteered to call on the Marinis in the evening; and she got away from him as quickly as she could, promising to be pleased if he called the

terdicted the vis

, and grew pale, "he-he

had not

would be famous for arts unknown to her, and not for song just when she was having a vision of triumph

a frown. "I have nothing in common with him. But that I might have known. I

id Emilia. "He is a quick frie

t you are quits with yo

o not care for vers

s like talking on tiptoe; like animals in cag

se when they get at the

ghed. "You don't app

ean, if you are in earnest-how can you count and ha

one; and his positive judgement (which I set down in phrase that would have startled him) ranked bo

she chilled by his side; and when he left her she begged Ma

till now; and, entering the house, the roar of vehicles in a neighbouring road sounded like something implacable in the order of things among us, and clung about her ears pitilessly. Running upstairs, she tried a scale of notes that broke on a cough. "Did I cough purposely?" she asked herself; but she had not the courage to try the notes again. While dressing she hummed a passage, and sought stealthily t

ely speaks to the occasions, but lies under calamity quietly apprehending all; willing that the talker overhead should deceive others, and herself likewise, if possible. Emilia found her hands acting daintily and critically in the attirement of her person; and then surprised herself murmuring: "I forgot that Tracy won't be here to-night." By which she betrayed that she had divined those arts she was to shine in, according to Tracy; and betrayed that she had a terrible fear of a

dozen new spirits, with but a dim likeness to her, were fighting for possession of her frame, now occupying it alone, now in couples; and each casting grim reflections on th

am not ugly. But if a fire scorched my face? There is nothing that seems safe!" The love of friends was suggested to her as something to rely on; and the loving them. "But if I have nothing to give!" sai

no, no!-nothi

he comply. "The Signora thinks I have a cold," she said. Madame Marini protested that she hoped not, she even thought not, though none could avoid it at this season in this cl

and throwing up her eyes; "I hav

ication of cold water. The Neapolitan gave several shudders as she marked him attentively. "Water cold!" she murmured with the deepest pathos, and dropped her face in her hands with narrowed shoulders. Emilia held a letter over to Sir Purcell. He took it, first assuring himself that Mar

urcell held cont

saw me sitting. I want you to take me to one who will help me. I cannot lose time any

, for



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