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Chapter 3 Sovereign warning

Word Count: 1506    |    Released on: 07/09/2021

ust bought." Edna still did not commit

ulate it so that no ghost

ke that, even if she was a beauty queen, he didn't want to be friends. Indeed, God is always fair,

d the problem. Looks like everyone misunderstood her family background. This morning, she actually went to school by car. But that's not her car. It is her fath

had left while she stood there, lost in thought. She sighed as she looked at her broken ph


pen the balcony door and then climb over the balcony and jump to the ba

rk coldly asked James who was sitting leisure

ked at Mark. He chewed through th


game. Doesn't care if Mark gets angry or what he does. Bu

ng with her to give the impression of getting to know

and put it in his mouth. After that, he also climbed onto t

rson who sees beauty bl

it's really you doing it on purpose, I'll ask for justice

for his reaction. Mark thought to himself, he will surely be disillusioned with his g

e. The rich still know how to save." After

by the other girl. He really had nothing more to say to James. He

the goddess you know. I will never give it

nd quickly went to the balcony

jokes today would come true


t her daughter's sullen face, her brow furrowed with worry. M

ed you, I'll ask for justice on your behal

to this point. But now she couldn't take it anymore. She had to cry to relieve the pain in her heart. Her number is really unluck

en the other phone was because she was saving money to buy it, not asking her parents for money.

ve you some money

from crying again. She wiped her tears with her han

ter so that I can have surgery again. I'

rn money. After school, she works part-time washing dishes at restaurants. Although she is young, she is very careful. The dishwasher has never broken a single one, so the owner is very loving and often gives her more money. She spends th

d at each other and smiled and went into the kitchen. Today is her first day of school, so her mother closed the restaurant to cook a small



beauty. even a person who has never used perfume like him bought a bottle online because of Edna that night. Because he had just placed an order, it was not delivered in time this morning, so he sneaked into his mother's r

e he was at school." James's mother

for his father to go out of the room before he

mething unusual. You seem to be dressed more carefully today. Even the hairstyl

you wearin

es nonchalantly replied. Then calmly eat breakfast

Today he was really strange, maybe he just came to schoo

paper. but suddenly he put down the newspaper in his hand and turned

r today, and heard that he is allergic to per

so unlucky? I thought this calculation was a decade and a half, but I didn't expect it to fail at the last minute. Knowing that, he didn't eat breakfast bu

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